To clarify, Doug is a fine musician songwriter who wrote the classic tune, Angsty Lamer Blues, which was my theme song upon departing Memphis. He wrote it over a year prior to that, recorded it and sent it to me to put some harmonica accents in.
The name derived from one of my hateful commenters, the day I jumped to number 1 at JS due to that digg thing, which I now avoid because I grew to dislike digg. Not knowing what it was I figured OK, digg this, then wrote a rambling piece entitled something along the lines of, Che Guevarra was a spoiled rich sociopath" (which he was). Not only was my own eyewitness account of a few hours in Havana, post Castro, derided, but my very right to feel. I was called an angsty lamer. I guess people get furious if you suggest losing the T shirt. Anyway, love him or hate him, he makes a hell of a T shirt marketing gimmick. And his fictitious legacy lives on.
OK, so we really liked that tag, angsty lamer. Doug, aka voice inside my eye wrote a brilliant ballad which reflected my frustration at the time.
Here's the logo I made for the angsty lamers. For netmale actually. Not sure he took to it. I like it. If I learn to play guitar naked, this will become my logo.
angsty lamer here for classic tune
I realize now that my leaving Memphis video had the first raw soundtrack before we sent the tune back and forth with the harp and such. Above is the final version of the song. Don't know how to embed it here..
I'll work the other parts of airboat bob series in as the days go on. You'll see Doug appear. Actually that may be him in upper left of second gif. Got to wait and you'll see the animation. More in first than second.