It must be the heat. Sometimes I don't like anyone or anything; especially playing music, but not exclusively.
We actually played a little show for an assisted living facility. A billion people, many of whom looked no older than I am. The MC girl got on my nerves. Everyone seems so patronizing in these settings. It wouldn't be a bad place but I think I'd shoot the condescending volunteers, and staff, too, if they have that attitude. Good thing I don't live there.
I hate anonymous comments. Especially from people just smart enough not to know that their point is only semi-valid. Example: being called out for saying I have to go inland somewhere in the Bay area.
The Bay area, up around the San Francisco area defines a large part of the state at that latitude. Inland in that area indicates that you go up to the Bay and take a right, but if you cross over too many mountains or hit Nevada, you've gone too far. I'm not giving directions for others, so who cares?
It is interesting that those who sometimes entice me into conflict always do so over matters which actually do not have to do with them. It is never over me telling another how to live his or her life. Always over another criticizing my choices, how I write, how I speak, what I buy or don't buy.
I do not not like conflict, and I see the quickest way to avoid it is to ignore that sort of discussion. Asking one's opinion is a different sort of conversation altogether. Openly barbed criticism can be masked in many ways, but the reality is that it is a hostile thing. Something I've yet to quit attracting. Those things happen.
Most people who are that adamant about my choices tend to be ignoring their own situations, or else they assume they have no choices, and the fact that I do is in no way the result of my actions or decisions or attitudes prior to this point in time.
Oh well, who can blame them? It is not as easy as it may appear to those who judge, but living my life is not a bad way to go. I can't imagine trading with anyone--even though I do think I have to quit letting the ones that got away get away.
One of those days. Is the whole country turning into small minded, impolite creeps, or is it just that CA is over stocked with rednecks and haughty nincompoops?
Probably my mood, and most likely a result of 90 deg F temperatures and no A/C. (except in the car). When I think about it, it is not all that bad. I'm amazed that a little bit of heat gets to me like that lately. The sensitivity to it comes and goes.