Friday, October 30, 2015

Why Not Me - 10/27/15

If you go here thousands of times, maybe we could play on Jimmy Kimmel.  Really that is the way it works.  Of course I'd rather play Jimmy Fallon show, but Kimmel is just fine with me.  So, if you have software that lets you inundate sites with visits, make it go here     and listen a bunch, or something.  I want numbers, so I don't care about any listening

The Same Wasn't That Great Anyway

It is dawning on me that my life has definitely changed,  and it will never be the same again.  Then I realized that I was not that thrilled with it when it was the same.  I do not like having system malfunctions, but it is probably what is needed to force me to finally either overcome whatever the invisible limiter and saboteur in my life has been, or just succumb and give up.  The former option has fortunately been gaining the upper hand lately.  That is hard to maintain.

But that is the goal, so we try.  I wish I had the means to just travel around the country indefinitely.  I don't even care to go to too many other countries right now.  So, maybe I will quit being frozen lazy and figure it out before it is all over.  Definitely a tough race.

About Me

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Ballistic Mountain, CA, United States
Like spring on a summer's day


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