...you don't perceive the web you weave. This fake oppression, relatively speaking, and its manufactured reactions will come back haunt the fools who keep these lies alive. Many of them confused, guilty whites who think the world was safe and peaceful until their european ancestors learned how to drive boats. I'm sorry, but most of the world was, and still is, as stupid and brutal as your cracker forebears.
Hopeless. White misanthropes who particularly hate those of their own race and ethnicity do everything they can to fan the flames, pretending it is compassion. I call it disrespect. They think minorities are easy to manipulate. And things have been set up so that they are easy.
However, it is beginning to be more difficult to just assume you can herd them like cattle with no effort. News stations have become so transparently dishonest, biased, and manipulative that it astounds me that people believe it. But, there is always some payoff, and it doesn't take much. Victim card! Yea, Buddy!
So in Charlotte, like most events of this nature, paid thugs and "community activists" are shaping the story, the propaganda, and creating the violence. They would love to goad the cops into shooting, but I think they prefer locals carry the front lines in that situation.
It is a fabricated outrage. Cops tend to shoot lots of different kinds of people. In Baltimore Black cops are more likely to fire their weapon. I think distinctions are stupid but if you play it on one side, you need to be consistent. All the facts. I do not think it is racial. Not these days.
What we have is social manipulation. Politics. The result always being less personal freedom and some pretense of being safer or better off. Or giving up rights for a good cause. Or in the case of the mob attack, taking away the rights of others while pretending to be righteous. Roadways as not yours to block. It is cruel short sighted, and sociopathic. If you cannot see why it is wrong I personally believe it should be legal to run them down after warning a few times with the horn.
You have a bunch of violent racists pounding your car because you aren't them, tell you do not feel threatened. I don't care what color, if you surround me and try to basically imprison me there, damage property and maybe harm me, I will try to barrel through with no regard for life or limb.
People don't get it. The police culture and government power have not been truly Constitutional or non-ultra statist forever. It is us against them in their culture. Government regulators, auditors, enforcers tend to almost hate the regulated from what I have seen. But that is because too many stupid laws. Too many sadistic ambitious prosecutors.
And then you have these liars claiming race, and that white people are so racist and cops all shoot black people. Statistics do not support this. If you commit the most murders you are going to draw a little fire. So they are all about making it almost a sin to defend yourself against chosen races. They do not care about maybe easing the squeeze of government.
These people do very little to actually break the cycle of wasted lives in the 'hood. Instead they pretend. They celebrate it as if the redneck culture which characterizes all rough neighborhoods, regardless of race, is artistic expression instead of the baser aspects of humans. There is a difference in assuming one is an idiot or evil due to race, alone, and noting the idiocy of a culture, or subculture.
Idiots call you racist because they lime to pretend that they speak for everyone of their race or sex. Or both. It is life.
My new cast is dark blue. My left hand feels very important. Glad I force myself to practice using left hand for things from time to time. It pays off.
Friday, September 23, 2016
Finally Figured Out What They Don't Get
In the midst of the ever stranger election process, and the multitude of politicos and pundits simultaneously trashing Trump and his supporters, while questioning "how could they?", and also saying, "if you like Trump, F''' you!", I spotted what they miss.
Like the GQ guy with the big insults and on and on. He is one of legions swimming in blue koolaid, spewing insults to earn nods from colleagues, who honestly do not get it.
Trump is actually irrelevant to the issue. What they don't get is that many people are neither racist nor are they any of the other tired epithets thrown out at those who do not drink the koolaid.
Those people do not like the elitist attitudes, the smart aleck insults and ridicule, the intellectual bullying. They do not like you, GQ author, Hillary, all of you. They do not necessarily like Trump, but they love it that you don't like him.
The ad suggesting that all living presidents oppose him raises his creds. Why? Because people perceive all the ex potus crew to have contributed to the spread of terrorism and the erosion of rights, as well as difficulty making enough money to live. (despite the fact we're told we are thriving like never before. Evidence of this wonderful fact is lacking in many of our lives.)
But those, like ElizabethWarren and many pundits, can't figure it out because they don't realize it is that people are sick of them and their tired con. Not everyone sees it. Many still buy the usual nonsense.
Propaganda is so easy. Even though it is known that blacks kill blacks at avery high rate. No outrage. The agitators cherry pick time and place then sow chaos. The greedy cannot resist being able to play victim and justify theft , looting, vandalizing, and some good old cracker bashing. Open season and it is all righteous because..victim!!
There is racism. I have seen plenty. In the last 30 years I have seen ten times more racism coming from minorities than anywhere else. I'm talking, hateful, violent attitudes. You know it and so does anyone. But we pretend. The result? More dead people, more property damage, businesses and lives ruined so ignorant fools can slake their greed for power and cool stuff off of store shelves. The thrill of beating o white people and their cars.
Don't be throwing out a narrative sure to incite violence in those who believe it without marching out all the facts and stats. No one is being served by this except very sick super wealthy elitist bastards whose motives elude me. I cannot relate.
Really. Cut the BS. There is a lot wrong and it does not boil down to unbalanced quotas. But I would think people would be outraged by gang violence, drive-bys, kids getting killed, black people killing black people by the dozens in some cities in a month's time.
If Black Lives Matter really believed that, they'd do something real in the highest murder locales; Chicago, Memphis, everywhere else we pretend all is well. They, GQ, this administration, et al, pretend it is white on black slaughter, which is nearly the reverse of what the numbers show.
So some people just do not like those who cultivated this heightened state of hatred. And if Trump freaks them out that bad, maybe the best way to figuratively punch them in the nose is to vote for the person they hate. They are possibly winning hearts and minds for their nemesis.
Not sure what I will do, but I so dislike a certain tone and culture that I am weighing what choices most undermine that crooked smarmy bunch of self righteous con artists.
In short, Trump is not the one bringing hatred to the fore, it is the status quo and the puppets they so shamelessly manipulate, fueling and prolonging their pain and ignorance anyway they can. It means votes.
The all living ex potus club proves these despots are all in the same bed. yikes
There's plenty of red koolaid craziness too. They just miss the point. Blue koolaiders blatantly want a totalitarian state. They deny it but actions prove this. They think it solves all problems from engineering to diet; government, that is.
The red koolaiders often get all confused between bible, constitution, and reason. It helps the insanity of the blue freaks get enacted. I hate when idiots oppose what I oppose, except for idiotic or superstitious, or totally erroneous reasons.
Like the GQ guy with the big insults and on and on. He is one of legions swimming in blue koolaid, spewing insults to earn nods from colleagues, who honestly do not get it.
Trump is actually irrelevant to the issue. What they don't get is that many people are neither racist nor are they any of the other tired epithets thrown out at those who do not drink the koolaid.
Those people do not like the elitist attitudes, the smart aleck insults and ridicule, the intellectual bullying. They do not like you, GQ author, Hillary, all of you. They do not necessarily like Trump, but they love it that you don't like him.
The ad suggesting that all living presidents oppose him raises his creds. Why? Because people perceive all the ex potus crew to have contributed to the spread of terrorism and the erosion of rights, as well as difficulty making enough money to live. (despite the fact we're told we are thriving like never before. Evidence of this wonderful fact is lacking in many of our lives.)
But those, like ElizabethWarren and many pundits, can't figure it out because they don't realize it is that people are sick of them and their tired con. Not everyone sees it. Many still buy the usual nonsense.
Propaganda is so easy. Even though it is known that blacks kill blacks at avery high rate. No outrage. The agitators cherry pick time and place then sow chaos. The greedy cannot resist being able to play victim and justify theft , looting, vandalizing, and some good old cracker bashing. Open season and it is all righteous because..victim!!
There is racism. I have seen plenty. In the last 30 years I have seen ten times more racism coming from minorities than anywhere else. I'm talking, hateful, violent attitudes. You know it and so does anyone. But we pretend. The result? More dead people, more property damage, businesses and lives ruined so ignorant fools can slake their greed for power and cool stuff off of store shelves. The thrill of beating o white people and their cars.
Don't be throwing out a narrative sure to incite violence in those who believe it without marching out all the facts and stats. No one is being served by this except very sick super wealthy elitist bastards whose motives elude me. I cannot relate.
Really. Cut the BS. There is a lot wrong and it does not boil down to unbalanced quotas. But I would think people would be outraged by gang violence, drive-bys, kids getting killed, black people killing black people by the dozens in some cities in a month's time.
If Black Lives Matter really believed that, they'd do something real in the highest murder locales; Chicago, Memphis, everywhere else we pretend all is well. They, GQ, this administration, et al, pretend it is white on black slaughter, which is nearly the reverse of what the numbers show.
So some people just do not like those who cultivated this heightened state of hatred. And if Trump freaks them out that bad, maybe the best way to figuratively punch them in the nose is to vote for the person they hate. They are possibly winning hearts and minds for their nemesis.
Not sure what I will do, but I so dislike a certain tone and culture that I am weighing what choices most undermine that crooked smarmy bunch of self righteous con artists.
In short, Trump is not the one bringing hatred to the fore, it is the status quo and the puppets they so shamelessly manipulate, fueling and prolonging their pain and ignorance anyway they can. It means votes.
The all living ex potus club proves these despots are all in the same bed. yikes
There's plenty of red koolaid craziness too. They just miss the point. Blue koolaiders blatantly want a totalitarian state. They deny it but actions prove this. They think it solves all problems from engineering to diet; government, that is.
The red koolaiders often get all confused between bible, constitution, and reason. It helps the insanity of the blue freaks get enacted. I hate when idiots oppose what I oppose, except for idiotic or superstitious, or totally erroneous reasons.
Finally Figured Out What They Don't Get
In the midst of the ever stranger election process, and the multitude of politicos and pundits simultaneously trashing Trump and his supporters, while questioning "how could they?", and also saying, "if you like Trump, F''' you!", I spotted what they miss.
Like the GQ guy with the big insults and on and on. He is one of legions swimming in blue koolaid, spewing insults to earn nods from colleagues, who honestly do not get it.
Trump is actually irrelevant to the issue. What they don't get is that many people are neither racist nor are they any of the other tired epithets thrown out at those who do not drink the koolaid.
Those people do not like the elitist attitudes, the smart aleck insults and ridicule, the intellectual bullying. They do not like you, GQ author, Hillary, all of you. They do not necessarily like Trump, but they love it that you don't like him.
The ad suggesting that all living presidents oppose him raises his creds. Why? Because people perceive all the ex potus crew to have contributed to the spread of terrorism and the erosion of rights, as well as difficulty making enough money to live. (despite the fact we're told we are thriviung like never before. Evidence is lacking.)
But those, like ElizabethWarren and many pundits can't figure it out because they don't realize it is that people are sick of them and their tired con. Not everyone sees it. Many still buy the usual nonsense.
Propaganda is so easy. Even though it is known that blacks kill blacks at avery high rate. No outrage. The agitators cherry [ick time and place then sow chaos. The greedy cannot resist being able to play victim and justify theft , looting, vandalizing, and some good old cracker bashing. Open season and it is all righteous because..victim!!
There is racism. I have seen plenty. In the last 30 years I have seen ten times more racism coming from minorities than anywhere else. I'm talking, hateful, violent attitudes. You know it and so does anyone. But we pretend. The result? More dead people, more property damage, businesses and lives ruined so ignorant fools can slake their greed for power and cool stuff off of store shelves. The thrill of beating o white people and their cars.
Don't be throwing out a narrative sure to incite violence i those who believe it without marching out all the facts and stats. No one is being served by this except very sick super wealthy elitist bastards whose motives elude me. I cannot relate.
Really. Cut the BS. There is a lot wrong and it does not boil down to unbalanced quotas. But I would think people would be outraged by gang violence, drive-bys, kids getting killed, black people killing black people by the dozens in some cities in a month's time. If Black Lives Matter really believed that, they'd do something real in the highest murder locales; Chicago, Memphis, everywhere else they pretend it is some white on black slaughter, which is nearly the reverse of what the numbers show.
So some people just do not like those who cultivated this heightened state of hatred. And if Trump freaks them out that bad, maybe the best way to figuratively punch them in the nose is to vote for the person they hate. They are possibly winning hearts and minds for their nemesis.
Not sure what I will do, but I so dislike a certain tone and culture that I am weighing what choices most undermine that crooked smarmy bunch of self righteous con artists.
Like the GQ guy with the big insults and on and on. He is one of legions swimming in blue koolaid, spewing insults to earn nods from colleagues, who honestly do not get it.
Trump is actually irrelevant to the issue. What they don't get is that many people are neither racist nor are they any of the other tired epithets thrown out at those who do not drink the koolaid.
Those people do not like the elitist attitudes, the smart aleck insults and ridicule, the intellectual bullying. They do not like you, GQ author, Hillary, all of you. They do not necessarily like Trump, but they love it that you don't like him.
The ad suggesting that all living presidents oppose him raises his creds. Why? Because people perceive all the ex potus crew to have contributed to the spread of terrorism and the erosion of rights, as well as difficulty making enough money to live. (despite the fact we're told we are thriviung like never before. Evidence is lacking.)
But those, like ElizabethWarren and many pundits can't figure it out because they don't realize it is that people are sick of them and their tired con. Not everyone sees it. Many still buy the usual nonsense.
Propaganda is so easy. Even though it is known that blacks kill blacks at avery high rate. No outrage. The agitators cherry [ick time and place then sow chaos. The greedy cannot resist being able to play victim and justify theft , looting, vandalizing, and some good old cracker bashing. Open season and it is all righteous because..victim!!
There is racism. I have seen plenty. In the last 30 years I have seen ten times more racism coming from minorities than anywhere else. I'm talking, hateful, violent attitudes. You know it and so does anyone. But we pretend. The result? More dead people, more property damage, businesses and lives ruined so ignorant fools can slake their greed for power and cool stuff off of store shelves. The thrill of beating o white people and their cars.
Don't be throwing out a narrative sure to incite violence i those who believe it without marching out all the facts and stats. No one is being served by this except very sick super wealthy elitist bastards whose motives elude me. I cannot relate.
Really. Cut the BS. There is a lot wrong and it does not boil down to unbalanced quotas. But I would think people would be outraged by gang violence, drive-bys, kids getting killed, black people killing black people by the dozens in some cities in a month's time. If Black Lives Matter really believed that, they'd do something real in the highest murder locales; Chicago, Memphis, everywhere else they pretend it is some white on black slaughter, which is nearly the reverse of what the numbers show.
So some people just do not like those who cultivated this heightened state of hatred. And if Trump freaks them out that bad, maybe the best way to figuratively punch them in the nose is to vote for the person they hate. They are possibly winning hearts and minds for their nemesis.
Not sure what I will do, but I so dislike a certain tone and culture that I am weighing what choices most undermine that crooked smarmy bunch of self righteous con artists.
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- John0 Juanderlust
- Ballistic Mountain, CA, United States
- Like spring on a summer's day
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