My disdain for new year's madness is not bias against second chances, resets, or rebirth in any form. It only makes sense that everyone's reset situation be different. Well spread out anyway. My new year is not January 1. I was born in February. If resets work best at end of one cycle and entering another, one's birthday should be more appropriate than the one size fits all new year hooplah.
If this is how we acknowledged the cycles then it would be too spread out for the sort of mass inebriation all at once that new year's eve yields. I wonder how that works. I guess we are better off with one universal calendar. But the year end thing is poorly done. Maybe there is a classier way to celebrate it. So far I see no trend in that direction.
Saturday, December 31, 2016
OK. Here's An Example of What Irks Me
Here we go, making up stuff and writing it all over a picture of Leonardo DiCaprio toasting something. It is from some movie. I guarantee he was not saying what is written on the photo as if he is saying it. No, he just has that smirky, knowing look. It is a facial expression, and use of body language which seems to know something. But it is acting.
Every time you turn around some Leo pic toasting is circulated with inane text espousing some viewpoint that Leo is not pushing. It gives it weight though to have that authoritative yet whimsical personality in the image. Actors sometimes have a presence that just makes you believe whatever they are selling. That includes male and female. I think some females don't like the word actress. I can see that. Not sure it matters.
You never know. People get all wound up over nothing and then think they have a right to harass the culprit who does something egregious like wear a Trump shirt of some kind. People are getting rabid like never before over this election. It is bizarre.
But take it from Leo
Every time you turn around some Leo pic toasting is circulated with inane text espousing some viewpoint that Leo is not pushing. It gives it weight though to have that authoritative yet whimsical personality in the image. Actors sometimes have a presence that just makes you believe whatever they are selling. That includes male and female. I think some females don't like the word actress. I can see that. Not sure it matters.
You never know. People get all wound up over nothing and then think they have a right to harass the culprit who does something egregious like wear a Trump shirt of some kind. People are getting rabid like never before over this election. It is bizarre.
But take it from Leo
No. I will bet into triple digit dollars that Leo did not say these things. None of it. I just think not.
Thursday, December 29, 2016
Movie Review: Sully
This was an excellent film. I expected boring. Very well written and all else, I think.
Reminded me very much of Capt Clyde, retired Eastern pilot, instructor and safety expert. Also WW2 hero. Somehow reminds me of him. I've known some remarkable people.
My movie reviews have generally been whittled down to, "I think is is a good flick", or "what a lousy movie".
This one=good.
Reminded me very much of Capt Clyde, retired Eastern pilot, instructor and safety expert. Also WW2 hero. Somehow reminds me of him. I've known some remarkable people.
My movie reviews have generally been whittled down to, "I think is is a good flick", or "what a lousy movie".
This one=good.
Was I Censored?
In coming months I plan to comment even less than I do now, on facebook. I may have been censored, or maybe someone flagged my comment as being less than lockstep leftist kool aid material. Not sure.
No one likes it if you question their third or fourth party info which appears to be a fakish news meme.
My friend, who has become absolutely obsessed with sharing every democratic party, progressive blurb, particularly if it is ridicule of Trump or supporters, shared from a site called liberal something, who cited moveon or daily kos as their source had a story of how Trey Gowdy admitted manufacturing Hillary emails to make her look bad.
Wow. That would be big news. Head an investigation, and make up evidence? That is just awful.
The headline post was presented in a way that made it look like today's news. Rather than react from a headline like 90% of facebook does, I clicked it and read the big story at the koolaid factory site.
Turns out this was from October of 2015, and I guess it was largely fake because I think we'd have heard a bit more on this. Contrary to general opinion, democrats do still wield considerable power.
All I asked was if this was real or maybe not so real, and was it real in 2015 or some such thing. Someone liked my comment. But when I clicked and got back to the story, my comment was gone.
I had some problematic fb experiences today. Kept denying my login. Very weird. Then I managed to placate it and get back on.
You can fear the Trump era all you want. I already fear the possibility of algorithms designed to flush out malcontents and screw with them. Nothing personal, just let it be an automated madness. Seriously, ever since my days in public school, I have noticed that the governmentally privileged, power and tax dough, will crush others in the name of the greater good without even a twinge of conscience.
Actually "the war on fake news" is very probably just code for a war on dissent. Where else can that sort of thing go?
Oh well. My real concerns mostly exclude government. We'll see if the zealots have sway when Trump takes office. I consider much of what is called ultra conservative to be authoritarian and missing the point re freedom and life. CBD oil and other cannabis items may have life saving value to people. Not up to government to decide. FDA is mostly just Cronyville for big bucks. BS organization.
If the population is too stupid to make their own decisions, then maybe the Darwin effect is beneficial. Mostly though, I doubt the FDA saves any lives. They do however make life a living hell for certain types of epileptics and others.
The insurance thing will be something truly bizarre if they aren't real careful. It is now, but it is set up with booby traps. What do you expect? Written by insurance insider. And it is the most complicated, impossible to humanly follow structure I have ever seen. Most of it is left up to appointed clerks.
Oh well. I may be better off now. Maybe not. I expect no change for awhile. If ever.
But the facebook bit has me wondering.
No one likes it if you question their third or fourth party info which appears to be a fakish news meme.
My friend, who has become absolutely obsessed with sharing every democratic party, progressive blurb, particularly if it is ridicule of Trump or supporters, shared from a site called liberal something, who cited moveon or daily kos as their source had a story of how Trey Gowdy admitted manufacturing Hillary emails to make her look bad.
Wow. That would be big news. Head an investigation, and make up evidence? That is just awful.
The headline post was presented in a way that made it look like today's news. Rather than react from a headline like 90% of facebook does, I clicked it and read the big story at the koolaid factory site.
Turns out this was from October of 2015, and I guess it was largely fake because I think we'd have heard a bit more on this. Contrary to general opinion, democrats do still wield considerable power.
All I asked was if this was real or maybe not so real, and was it real in 2015 or some such thing. Someone liked my comment. But when I clicked and got back to the story, my comment was gone.
I had some problematic fb experiences today. Kept denying my login. Very weird. Then I managed to placate it and get back on.
You can fear the Trump era all you want. I already fear the possibility of algorithms designed to flush out malcontents and screw with them. Nothing personal, just let it be an automated madness. Seriously, ever since my days in public school, I have noticed that the governmentally privileged, power and tax dough, will crush others in the name of the greater good without even a twinge of conscience.
Actually "the war on fake news" is very probably just code for a war on dissent. Where else can that sort of thing go?
Oh well. My real concerns mostly exclude government. We'll see if the zealots have sway when Trump takes office. I consider much of what is called ultra conservative to be authoritarian and missing the point re freedom and life. CBD oil and other cannabis items may have life saving value to people. Not up to government to decide. FDA is mostly just Cronyville for big bucks. BS organization.
If the population is too stupid to make their own decisions, then maybe the Darwin effect is beneficial. Mostly though, I doubt the FDA saves any lives. They do however make life a living hell for certain types of epileptics and others.
The insurance thing will be something truly bizarre if they aren't real careful. It is now, but it is set up with booby traps. What do you expect? Written by insurance insider. And it is the most complicated, impossible to humanly follow structure I have ever seen. Most of it is left up to appointed clerks.
Oh well. I may be better off now. Maybe not. I expect no change for awhile. If ever.
But the facebook bit has me wondering.
Pundits, why? The Takei case
The guy was a supporting cast member in Star Trek. A somewhat amiable actor.
Fast forward to the last few years--no idea where he was in between. Now he is a professional hijacker of victimhood and facebook guru. People often share George's semi thought out memes as if they are wisdom from God.
George is what I'd call professionally gay, and professionally Asian (sometimes specifically Japanese). What I mean by that is that any time the most remote issue which could in some way involve lgbtq,etc. comes up, or anything remotely to do with race or ethnicity, he is there in his victim suit, "standing up" for his peeps. Allegedly.
Now, he has claimed victimhood because he had relatives killed in Japan in WW2. George, want to take on the Bataan Death March? Can you pull some victimhood out of that?
Really, the guy is a genius for sure. He has managed to create some sort of relevance purely out of manufactured victimness. He has made more money than most of us. He is listened to more than most of us. Yet the content of his discourse is always well articulated half truths or pure nonsense, all used to support the idea that he has ever been the victim of America and its horribly cruel straight white contingent of the population.
But he does it in such a way that he is cool. And to say anything against his demagoguery and feigned victim status is to cast one's self as homophobic, xenophobic and a horrible person.
Sometimes he is interesting. Sometimes he is so transparently hijacking victimhood where none exists that it makes me think those sharing his angst have absolutely no ability to think critically. I think people just want things to fight, a villain to hate, and special attention for participating. Like a trophy for showing up.
Gay? Here's your trophy. Not white? Here's your trophy. On and on.
Now he is a victim because of nuclear weapons and Trumps incessant tweets which appear to happen without the slightest bit of forethought.
The Trump tweeting compulsion could be a form of Tourette's syndrome. I just don't know.
But I cannot figure out how to play victim off of it. Just not my forte. Leave it to George to make it a fearful thing because the US decided the only way to get the Japanese to quit making war was to annihilate a city or two. Poor George. It must be horrible for him to have to be reminded that Japan was a brutal warring force which made life difficult for many. All about him.
What utter and total nonsense. But it is cookie cutter koolaid left in the reasoning and the fake outrage and hurt.
I wonder why it is that to me it always seems as if the abusive left is in charge. To many, they seem to think something other than statists are running the show. I don't notice that.
So we have outfits declining to do business with anything to do with Trump's inauguration yet they insist on forcing others to do business with themselves or their gay friends or whatever. How does that work?
I always wondered what I'd do if asked to play. My rule would be no one's campaign rallies. But to be asked for an national event, I would do it. Even though I think these tax paid DC entertainment events ought not exist.
Phony outrage from professional victims gets old. So yesterday's radical chic. What is happening though is that these manufactured cases of victimhood subtly give license to what now is classed as some sort of self defense--license to step on and ignore the rights of others, pretending they threaten you. It has grown to a very dangerous point.
The whole heavy duty anti-Trump effort going on right now, fueled by the koolaid sites' talking points, half truths, and general attitude is one which tends to justify anything that might hurt what is perceived as Trumpian. What may be hurt is the process, and maybe innocent people who believe Trump is less evil than those who have been running government for the last 20 years or so.
I'm undecided, but tend to think the entrenched class, Clinton, Kennedy, Bush, Rockefeller, etc. are very evil and dangerous, depending upon one's view of how society ought to operate. But make no mistake, Trump is a crony's crony, so that aspect is not going to change. It will be more crude and more transparent. He'll be tweeting what he had for breakfast and every secret that crosses his attention.
The very best thing is how freaked out the control freak statists progressives and democrats are over Trump. And I don't think the worry is really to do with what is good or bad for the country-right or wrong. It is about them losing the control. Republicans had played their part over the last decades. Now this guy is not doing anything predictable. He is off their script.
Does not make him right, but it did get him votes--because of Their outrage, not because of his values. The more freaked the snobs and snarky news people became, the more attractive throwing Trump in their faces felt to many. But dems refuse to see it because it boils down to one simple idea; the rulers and their shills became such jerks with so little respect for others that the people finally broke.
Plus people are really sick of the racist, sexist, non-empathetic left. What we got coming in will get its due or straighten up. We have liars protesting other liars. Crooks against crooks.
And easily duped drones fighting the good fight on both sides. Do not look to them for truth. If you are smart like George, you can look to them to fuel your faux outrage and claims of victimhood.
Fast forward to the last few years--no idea where he was in between. Now he is a professional hijacker of victimhood and facebook guru. People often share George's semi thought out memes as if they are wisdom from God.
George is what I'd call professionally gay, and professionally Asian (sometimes specifically Japanese). What I mean by that is that any time the most remote issue which could in some way involve lgbtq,etc. comes up, or anything remotely to do with race or ethnicity, he is there in his victim suit, "standing up" for his peeps. Allegedly.
Now, he has claimed victimhood because he had relatives killed in Japan in WW2. George, want to take on the Bataan Death March? Can you pull some victimhood out of that?
Really, the guy is a genius for sure. He has managed to create some sort of relevance purely out of manufactured victimness. He has made more money than most of us. He is listened to more than most of us. Yet the content of his discourse is always well articulated half truths or pure nonsense, all used to support the idea that he has ever been the victim of America and its horribly cruel straight white contingent of the population.
But he does it in such a way that he is cool. And to say anything against his demagoguery and feigned victim status is to cast one's self as homophobic, xenophobic and a horrible person.
Sometimes he is interesting. Sometimes he is so transparently hijacking victimhood where none exists that it makes me think those sharing his angst have absolutely no ability to think critically. I think people just want things to fight, a villain to hate, and special attention for participating. Like a trophy for showing up.
Gay? Here's your trophy. Not white? Here's your trophy. On and on.
Now he is a victim because of nuclear weapons and Trumps incessant tweets which appear to happen without the slightest bit of forethought.
The Trump tweeting compulsion could be a form of Tourette's syndrome. I just don't know.
But I cannot figure out how to play victim off of it. Just not my forte. Leave it to George to make it a fearful thing because the US decided the only way to get the Japanese to quit making war was to annihilate a city or two. Poor George. It must be horrible for him to have to be reminded that Japan was a brutal warring force which made life difficult for many. All about him.
What utter and total nonsense. But it is cookie cutter koolaid left in the reasoning and the fake outrage and hurt.
I wonder why it is that to me it always seems as if the abusive left is in charge. To many, they seem to think something other than statists are running the show. I don't notice that.
So we have outfits declining to do business with anything to do with Trump's inauguration yet they insist on forcing others to do business with themselves or their gay friends or whatever. How does that work?
I always wondered what I'd do if asked to play. My rule would be no one's campaign rallies. But to be asked for an national event, I would do it. Even though I think these tax paid DC entertainment events ought not exist.
Phony outrage from professional victims gets old. So yesterday's radical chic. What is happening though is that these manufactured cases of victimhood subtly give license to what now is classed as some sort of self defense--license to step on and ignore the rights of others, pretending they threaten you. It has grown to a very dangerous point.
The whole heavy duty anti-Trump effort going on right now, fueled by the koolaid sites' talking points, half truths, and general attitude is one which tends to justify anything that might hurt what is perceived as Trumpian. What may be hurt is the process, and maybe innocent people who believe Trump is less evil than those who have been running government for the last 20 years or so.
I'm undecided, but tend to think the entrenched class, Clinton, Kennedy, Bush, Rockefeller, etc. are very evil and dangerous, depending upon one's view of how society ought to operate. But make no mistake, Trump is a crony's crony, so that aspect is not going to change. It will be more crude and more transparent. He'll be tweeting what he had for breakfast and every secret that crosses his attention.
The very best thing is how freaked out the control freak statists progressives and democrats are over Trump. And I don't think the worry is really to do with what is good or bad for the country-right or wrong. It is about them losing the control. Republicans had played their part over the last decades. Now this guy is not doing anything predictable. He is off their script.
Does not make him right, but it did get him votes--because of Their outrage, not because of his values. The more freaked the snobs and snarky news people became, the more attractive throwing Trump in their faces felt to many. But dems refuse to see it because it boils down to one simple idea; the rulers and their shills became such jerks with so little respect for others that the people finally broke.
Plus people are really sick of the racist, sexist, non-empathetic left. What we got coming in will get its due or straighten up. We have liars protesting other liars. Crooks against crooks.
And easily duped drones fighting the good fight on both sides. Do not look to them for truth. If you are smart like George, you can look to them to fuel your faux outrage and claims of victimhood.
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Blame the Year
Now people are blaming 2016 as if it were a tangible sentient being. So I set out to find this 2016 creature and take a picture (trap its soul).
Got yer 2016 right here
Got yer 2016 right here
Monday, December 26, 2016
In For It Like Never Before
My assumption that after the election things would level out a bit and emotions would settle down was very erroneous. The koolaid addled have doubled down on whatever it is that makes them wild eyed and rabid.
Now the game is to see how many ways can we make dubious accusations about Trump and racism, etc., pretend those assertions are fact, then use those to develop even further lampooning, indictment of every ilk, and basically find new ways to say, "I hate Donald, and he's going to blow up the world! If we don't act now!!!!my God, we are all doomed!!! Donald is bad, and on and on and on and on and on and on..".
To infinity.
There is no let up. If a note of substance is lacking we will go for a personal attack; maybe poke at Melania for awhile. And of course there is this droning chorus deriding Trump voters for ruining the world, making the weather bad, and they are the ones who decided to make only women be afflicted with the menstrual curse. Men, and Trump did that.
I hope you are happy.
Seriously it is like a compulsion that loses its context and any hope of reason. This new sport is a bit dangerous and invites violence.
But guess what? And this is why I despise the organized left. They will blame everyone else--their alleged foes--for the violence they foment. They do it every time. And they use the ignorant, the petty, the greedy, the poor to carry out their dirty work. Idiots in mobs will "unite" over any nonsense.
Unbelievable. And I am not a fan of the Trump tweeter. But can anyone ever just face the truth of their actions and motives in the realm of forcing the public to pay for what they don't want, who they don't trust, while pretending it is good compassionate and holy.
This cold is almost enough gone that I am ready to play. Getting together with Valor and Lace tomorrow at the Renegade--east county country place. They filmed some of the Renegade show there. Lorenzo Lamas.
Thinking positive non-criticizing thoughts is a healthy practice. Focussing on everyone else's shortcomings is not happiness generating.
Now the game is to see how many ways can we make dubious accusations about Trump and racism, etc., pretend those assertions are fact, then use those to develop even further lampooning, indictment of every ilk, and basically find new ways to say, "I hate Donald, and he's going to blow up the world! If we don't act now!!!!my God, we are all doomed!!! Donald is bad, and on and on and on and on and on and on..".
To infinity.
There is no let up. If a note of substance is lacking we will go for a personal attack; maybe poke at Melania for awhile. And of course there is this droning chorus deriding Trump voters for ruining the world, making the weather bad, and they are the ones who decided to make only women be afflicted with the menstrual curse. Men, and Trump did that.
I hope you are happy.
Seriously it is like a compulsion that loses its context and any hope of reason. This new sport is a bit dangerous and invites violence.
But guess what? And this is why I despise the organized left. They will blame everyone else--their alleged foes--for the violence they foment. They do it every time. And they use the ignorant, the petty, the greedy, the poor to carry out their dirty work. Idiots in mobs will "unite" over any nonsense.
Unbelievable. And I am not a fan of the Trump tweeter. But can anyone ever just face the truth of their actions and motives in the realm of forcing the public to pay for what they don't want, who they don't trust, while pretending it is good compassionate and holy.
This cold is almost enough gone that I am ready to play. Getting together with Valor and Lace tomorrow at the Renegade--east county country place. They filmed some of the Renegade show there. Lorenzo Lamas.
Thinking positive non-criticizing thoughts is a healthy practice. Focussing on everyone else's shortcomings is not happiness generating.
Wishing it Were True, when it is not
Remember the Video that set the Islamic world on its ear, and caused the spontaneous demonstration which included heavy artillery in Benghazi? That was a tough one to swallow as far as credibility goes. Similar to how Putin hacked John Podesta's emails and cost Hillary the big job.
No one has shown proof, and the wiki guy says no state actors. No government. Indications are that it was an inside job. People did not like the dirty tricks and the lockout of Bernie.
But now, here we go. These people will grasp at anything except solid truth and reality. Hill says Putin is the culprit and he cost her all. There is little to back up the story. It makes her followers feel better to believe she is a victim. I think this story is much like the one about her landing under fire and racing from the aircraft into safety with bullets flying everywhere.
This is where the O admin leaves me cold. He is full into that democrat thing of make up stories to suit your agenda. And then use those stories, as if they are fact, to build your arguments. The stories and fabrications become the premises from which they work their arguments. They know they do it.
But if it is for a good cause, then it is OK to deceive, and because the conclusion is good and what we want, then the false premises aren't really lies because they are serving the greater good.
Nothing you can do against such reasoning,
Once again, if Trump could resist reacting to every single whisper of insult or criticism sent his way, he'd do better. After awhile even democrats get tired of making stuff up. At the least people begin to quit seeing Hillary as credible. I know they want to, but really she has been caught in some real whoppers. Just pure fiction, like me telling you how scary it was that time I went hang gliding; except that time never happened.
Still, they do not get it. They lost because they insulted and intellectually bullied too many people and groups across the country. When you decide the opposition being heard is too damaging to young minds, or worse, makes sense to them, and so you must silence such voices, you are not a friend of freedom or free will. That is exactly what certain elements believe is right---silencing the views they do not like. And pretending to be taking the high moral ground in the process.
That is so Dade County public schools. A non sequetor but has relevance to me.
But what happened to the little red reset button with the Rooskies? The '80s are calling, want their foreign policy back. When did it change?
I'm telling you, the people with power have been dangerous liars for a long time now. Maybe it is scarier if T is not liar and really means the crazy stuff he says. The Status Quo distance themselves from truth and any references they may make to it.
Like I have challenged the new anti-Trump hobbyists, if the truth is that bad, then stick to it, don't embellish and lie to prove your point. It has become a sickness, an unhealthy obsession More over the top than even Bush bashing of old. That became absolutely virulent, if you listened to Air America and that crowd.
So here we go again. Identity politics, the school of hysterical non-reasoning, and watch agencies and government be used to perform dirty tricks like never before both against the newcomers, and for.
No one has shown proof, and the wiki guy says no state actors. No government. Indications are that it was an inside job. People did not like the dirty tricks and the lockout of Bernie.
But now, here we go. These people will grasp at anything except solid truth and reality. Hill says Putin is the culprit and he cost her all. There is little to back up the story. It makes her followers feel better to believe she is a victim. I think this story is much like the one about her landing under fire and racing from the aircraft into safety with bullets flying everywhere.
This is where the O admin leaves me cold. He is full into that democrat thing of make up stories to suit your agenda. And then use those stories, as if they are fact, to build your arguments. The stories and fabrications become the premises from which they work their arguments. They know they do it.
But if it is for a good cause, then it is OK to deceive, and because the conclusion is good and what we want, then the false premises aren't really lies because they are serving the greater good.
Nothing you can do against such reasoning,
Once again, if Trump could resist reacting to every single whisper of insult or criticism sent his way, he'd do better. After awhile even democrats get tired of making stuff up. At the least people begin to quit seeing Hillary as credible. I know they want to, but really she has been caught in some real whoppers. Just pure fiction, like me telling you how scary it was that time I went hang gliding; except that time never happened.
Still, they do not get it. They lost because they insulted and intellectually bullied too many people and groups across the country. When you decide the opposition being heard is too damaging to young minds, or worse, makes sense to them, and so you must silence such voices, you are not a friend of freedom or free will. That is exactly what certain elements believe is right---silencing the views they do not like. And pretending to be taking the high moral ground in the process.
That is so Dade County public schools. A non sequetor but has relevance to me.
But what happened to the little red reset button with the Rooskies? The '80s are calling, want their foreign policy back. When did it change?
I'm telling you, the people with power have been dangerous liars for a long time now. Maybe it is scarier if T is not liar and really means the crazy stuff he says. The Status Quo distance themselves from truth and any references they may make to it.
Like I have challenged the new anti-Trump hobbyists, if the truth is that bad, then stick to it, don't embellish and lie to prove your point. It has become a sickness, an unhealthy obsession More over the top than even Bush bashing of old. That became absolutely virulent, if you listened to Air America and that crowd.
So here we go again. Identity politics, the school of hysterical non-reasoning, and watch agencies and government be used to perform dirty tricks like never before both against the newcomers, and for.
Sunday, December 25, 2016
Here's the Upside, Even If You Are Swimming in Blue Disaster Koolaid
In the realm of politics, I do not think spouses should be involved in the job. No job in my experience shows any inkling of it being taken for granted that my spouse may want to handle some odd aspect of the required tasks. I don't know. I get the job, I do the job. They did not hire my wife. Simple.
And this is why Melania Trump is on her way to being my favorite first lady ever; she seems to have absolutely no interest in hosting the DC snakepit and taking up some national nagging cause. Brush your teeth. You're fat. blablabla. Always some elitist preaching and pandering to the little people. Yes, reading is real good. I need to be told by unelected first lady? No. Be the one that rejects being cast as royalty.
I heard a couple of times that Melania is staying in NYC with young Brothingtom, or Brandex, whatever. The lad needs to be with his chums until year's end. Right. Kid's in a gang and has to wear an ankle bracelet. Who would admit that? If I post that with the proper graphics on faceboo
the rabid party faithful will eat it up. They've almost run out of anything new. Over and over with racist and you-name-it ist labels.
If you look at people like Baldwin--those with that abrasive culture ingrained, replete with shoulder chip, you'll realize that those guys talk like that, right down to the "grab,,.." part. And those initiating the undying outrage know this. Now, as far as nuke babble, I have no clue about that.
But I am Melania's fan, not so much Donald's. Like Ahnode Schwarzenegger, Donald has often seemed embarrassingly obnoxious. Why publicly indulge in that painful exchange with equally petty and base Rosie? If you cannot resist such a stupid insult match with Rosie, you are lame. Arnold was not what many people expected. I expect Trump to be about like that. Too bad, because the back lash will be a blood letter like Jerry Brown. Crony capitalism and crony insanity abound in CA.
I want to see a swimsuit, or sans, photo shoot with Melania swimming in koolaid, its surface riddled with rifle fire. But she survives. Make a nice short clip for some use.
I still find it sad that so many people are fooled into thinking the whole Clinton machine is somehow virtuous and safe. Actually disavowing friends and family who felt Trump or almost anyone would be less toxically entrenched in the corruption of DC and world politics. The idea that those supporting Trump are basically supporting Neo-Hitler has been driven home hard. They conclude from there that it is their duty to take out friends and family who chose this Satan over Angel Hillary. That, too me, is more dangerous than either of the actual choices would have been.
Oh well. Good luck to Melania and Buster, as they try to side step the hostile insanity.
Otherwise, why is it people never figure out why the system is the issue, not personalities. The same people most responsible for bastardizing a good system cry the loudest about the potential result.
DONALD PLEASE STOP THE TWEETS., all it does is give lockstep left entities fuel for annoying hostile arguments and tirades. Why keep poking the nest?
And this is why Melania Trump is on her way to being my favorite first lady ever; she seems to have absolutely no interest in hosting the DC snakepit and taking up some national nagging cause. Brush your teeth. You're fat. blablabla. Always some elitist preaching and pandering to the little people. Yes, reading is real good. I need to be told by unelected first lady? No. Be the one that rejects being cast as royalty.
I heard a couple of times that Melania is staying in NYC with young Brothingtom, or Brandex, whatever. The lad needs to be with his chums until year's end. Right. Kid's in a gang and has to wear an ankle bracelet. Who would admit that? If I post that with the proper graphics on faceboo
the rabid party faithful will eat it up. They've almost run out of anything new. Over and over with racist and you-name-it ist labels.
If you look at people like Baldwin--those with that abrasive culture ingrained, replete with shoulder chip, you'll realize that those guys talk like that, right down to the "grab,,.." part. And those initiating the undying outrage know this. Now, as far as nuke babble, I have no clue about that.
But I am Melania's fan, not so much Donald's. Like Ahnode Schwarzenegger, Donald has often seemed embarrassingly obnoxious. Why publicly indulge in that painful exchange with equally petty and base Rosie? If you cannot resist such a stupid insult match with Rosie, you are lame. Arnold was not what many people expected. I expect Trump to be about like that. Too bad, because the back lash will be a blood letter like Jerry Brown. Crony capitalism and crony insanity abound in CA.
I want to see a swimsuit, or sans, photo shoot with Melania swimming in koolaid, its surface riddled with rifle fire. But she survives. Make a nice short clip for some use.
I still find it sad that so many people are fooled into thinking the whole Clinton machine is somehow virtuous and safe. Actually disavowing friends and family who felt Trump or almost anyone would be less toxically entrenched in the corruption of DC and world politics. The idea that those supporting Trump are basically supporting Neo-Hitler has been driven home hard. They conclude from there that it is their duty to take out friends and family who chose this Satan over Angel Hillary. That, too me, is more dangerous than either of the actual choices would have been.
Oh well. Good luck to Melania and Buster, as they try to side step the hostile insanity.
Otherwise, why is it people never figure out why the system is the issue, not personalities. The same people most responsible for bastardizing a good system cry the loudest about the potential result.
DONALD PLEASE STOP THE TWEETS., all it does is give lockstep left entities fuel for annoying hostile arguments and tirades. Why keep poking the nest?
Thursday, December 22, 2016
What Triggers the Relatively Quiet Anger
Whether the anger is at myself or at the official world of the state and all the people who go along, thinking they are clever and smart, I am not sure. Probably both; everyone.
Don't get me wrong, I love systems that remove salt from sea water, harvest energy from sun, wind and waves. I tend to think much of it is nonsense and pure 100% crony/political theft wrapped in "green".
I seriously doubt that the monstrosities being put in the ocean to catch wind in the northeast are anywhere close to the most elegant, efficient, non-intrusive system possible and available. But that's another story. Feats of engineering in their own way, and splendidly grandiose, but a boondoggle of sorts. I will just leave that. Not going to argue the pros and cons of such monopoly and state efforts.
What does hit a nerve with me is when I see some video or meme on facebook cheering in amazement that someone has an idea or system that uses waves to produce the power to purify the sea water. I argued with people in the seventies about just such systems. I noted the inevitable doom that centralized water and power production can bring. I met people involved in all sorts of energy saving, or sustainable fuel efforts. They gave up due to government intractability. Bullying and ridiculous action by agencies.
People still think that politicians with "vision" are the answer. They are just too goddamed stupid and ego-bound to see that those are the ones queering the danged deal. They are the ones who made it illegal to generate your own power. Yes that is true.
The real bottom line is, in some ways I am truly an idiot. Obviously, or I'd have an adoring, adorable wife and better handle on day to day life in civilization. But in other ways, I am no idiot. And that can be very frustrating. Like those people who read and talk about science, but have no clue what equations are or how any of that bears on results. But they pretend to be all scientific and intellectual. Talk show lab geniuses. And then they go on and on about "believing" in science. Do you realize how idiotic that actually sounds?
A subset of the group I referred to, decades ago, as Johnny Carson intellectuals. Either you get that or you don't. No judgement or reflection on anyone.
Obviously people who are clueless about what science even is. Believe in it. Yea, I believed in elves and science, and the Druid faith, pbut, and the holy trees therein.
Those are usually people who think it is great for government to promote some business over others, which the whole "sustainable energy" prank by the state is totally designed to do.
But the idea that only now do people want alternatives to expensive electricity and gasoline is bunk. Edison, Ford, Firestone, even Lindberg were obsessed with discovering renewable fuels and other resources. They actually were. This is where the majority can be trouble. The public has suckered for every nonsensical insult to their humanity. I would say intelligence but I am not certain there is enough there to insult.
Look how the auto world developed. Most makes changing the chrome and fins and stupid looks every year. If people had been out for reliability and savings, etc., the companies may have done things differently. People wanted schmaltz and glitz and some bizarre assurance that they, too, could be studs and sirens.
Some cool stuff went into it, but look at the design. They should be easy to repair and set up in modules, for quick interchange and ease of trouble shooting. Cars are a pain to work on. Planes are less frustrating because that is life or death. So they aren't all nonsense.
Anyway, people are idiots. All worked up now about energy, the end of the world and on and on. But I tell you they are out of the same idiot factory as those who let it be damned near illegal to experiment with fuels or energy on your own.
OK. People are just weak and confused and maybe a little insecure. Not really idiots, but maybe they act as if a lot.
I know, someone will say I have provided no for instance. No nothing. I realize that. I just don't want to get all tied up in it. The real point is, the state needs to back off, and protect the independent manufacturer who may rankle the industry hotshots. Protect instead of propose crony written legislation which helps the hot shots in the field gain an advantage over the upstarts. This is why we aren't almost all energy independent. Every dwelling or small group of dwellings should be independent. But not by government mandate.
They got gung ho about the time certain large energy interests bought up solar cell and battery technology and the state of the art was such that it worked. Oil companies mostly own that stuff. I think they are just messing with each other--especially small interlopers trying to compete. And they are doing like textiles did before the major players of that industry destroyed the manufacturing in the US. It is a game played by amoral people who apparently want limits on the average standard of living.
It's incoherent. Oh well. I am just so stunned how dimwitted so many people are. Their way around it is to fit in and hang with the mob. The mob will turn on anyone who doesn't accept the mob's convoluted rationale for vandalism or murder.
Any time ever that you hear politicians talking about any particular energy system or saying we must support this one or not that one, just know they are playing you right then and there.
Don't get me wrong, I love systems that remove salt from sea water, harvest energy from sun, wind and waves. I tend to think much of it is nonsense and pure 100% crony/political theft wrapped in "green".
I seriously doubt that the monstrosities being put in the ocean to catch wind in the northeast are anywhere close to the most elegant, efficient, non-intrusive system possible and available. But that's another story. Feats of engineering in their own way, and splendidly grandiose, but a boondoggle of sorts. I will just leave that. Not going to argue the pros and cons of such monopoly and state efforts.
What does hit a nerve with me is when I see some video or meme on facebook cheering in amazement that someone has an idea or system that uses waves to produce the power to purify the sea water. I argued with people in the seventies about just such systems. I noted the inevitable doom that centralized water and power production can bring. I met people involved in all sorts of energy saving, or sustainable fuel efforts. They gave up due to government intractability. Bullying and ridiculous action by agencies.
People still think that politicians with "vision" are the answer. They are just too goddamed stupid and ego-bound to see that those are the ones queering the danged deal. They are the ones who made it illegal to generate your own power. Yes that is true.
The real bottom line is, in some ways I am truly an idiot. Obviously, or I'd have an adoring, adorable wife and better handle on day to day life in civilization. But in other ways, I am no idiot. And that can be very frustrating. Like those people who read and talk about science, but have no clue what equations are or how any of that bears on results. But they pretend to be all scientific and intellectual. Talk show lab geniuses. And then they go on and on about "believing" in science. Do you realize how idiotic that actually sounds?
A subset of the group I referred to, decades ago, as Johnny Carson intellectuals. Either you get that or you don't. No judgement or reflection on anyone.
Obviously people who are clueless about what science even is. Believe in it. Yea, I believed in elves and science, and the Druid faith, pbut, and the holy trees therein.
Those are usually people who think it is great for government to promote some business over others, which the whole "sustainable energy" prank by the state is totally designed to do.
But the idea that only now do people want alternatives to expensive electricity and gasoline is bunk. Edison, Ford, Firestone, even Lindberg were obsessed with discovering renewable fuels and other resources. They actually were. This is where the majority can be trouble. The public has suckered for every nonsensical insult to their humanity. I would say intelligence but I am not certain there is enough there to insult.
Look how the auto world developed. Most makes changing the chrome and fins and stupid looks every year. If people had been out for reliability and savings, etc., the companies may have done things differently. People wanted schmaltz and glitz and some bizarre assurance that they, too, could be studs and sirens.
Some cool stuff went into it, but look at the design. They should be easy to repair and set up in modules, for quick interchange and ease of trouble shooting. Cars are a pain to work on. Planes are less frustrating because that is life or death. So they aren't all nonsense.
Anyway, people are idiots. All worked up now about energy, the end of the world and on and on. But I tell you they are out of the same idiot factory as those who let it be damned near illegal to experiment with fuels or energy on your own.
OK. People are just weak and confused and maybe a little insecure. Not really idiots, but maybe they act as if a lot.
I know, someone will say I have provided no for instance. No nothing. I realize that. I just don't want to get all tied up in it. The real point is, the state needs to back off, and protect the independent manufacturer who may rankle the industry hotshots. Protect instead of propose crony written legislation which helps the hot shots in the field gain an advantage over the upstarts. This is why we aren't almost all energy independent. Every dwelling or small group of dwellings should be independent. But not by government mandate.
They got gung ho about the time certain large energy interests bought up solar cell and battery technology and the state of the art was such that it worked. Oil companies mostly own that stuff. I think they are just messing with each other--especially small interlopers trying to compete. And they are doing like textiles did before the major players of that industry destroyed the manufacturing in the US. It is a game played by amoral people who apparently want limits on the average standard of living.
It's incoherent. Oh well. I am just so stunned how dimwitted so many people are. Their way around it is to fit in and hang with the mob. The mob will turn on anyone who doesn't accept the mob's convoluted rationale for vandalism or murder.
Any time ever that you hear politicians talking about any particular energy system or saying we must support this one or not that one, just know they are playing you right then and there.
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Got That Out of the Way
OK. No more need to stalk electors or bully their families. The deed is done, and that is that, presumably. Some things die harder than others.
I really have to say, the whole Russian thing seems very odd to me. But then the entire world of governments is beyond reason. Wikileaks people say it was not a state actor. I don't know. I do know that misinformation is the way things are done. I do notice, though, that the big talk is of the Rooskies "hacking the election". Even according to all allegations this is false.
They hacked emails and such. That is not the election. But it works way better to attack as if the Russians are the real republicans rather than address the dirty tricks revealed in the leaks.
I don't know if it came out for better or worse. It will be a worse that I don't know, which may be better than the worse I know. Not sure. Anything that has democrats actually acknowledging that we are a republic, and saying the word "Constitution" out loud cannot be all bad.
But the dimwits, in their typical knee-jerk fashion, now want to can the electoral college. That is because more than once it did not go their way. And because they do not truly grasp the danger, or even the concept of tyranny of the majority. I would be saying the same thing regardless of outcome.
The fact that people felt Hillary is any less dangerous than her opponent is a testament to how gullible people can be when they put their minds to it. The real dynamics at play have much more to do with cultivated resentments, peer acceptance, validation of one's intellect, sense of belonging, etc.
People won't admit it, but that drives a huge percentage of the population. Now that the politics of ethnicity, etc, identity politics, has somehow been deemed reasonable, honorable and virtuous, the discussion is over. If I say you are nuts, wrong, etc., it is probably my white privilege, and if you are female I am automatically a misogynist. When everything becomes filtered through race and ethnicity as if those things are virtuous qualities, what's to discuss? You are born this way or that. Probably a victim. Most people are. I am. Not sure of what, but I do feel the impact.
Truthfully, I can't watch much. Republicans are like caricatures of themselves, it seems. Really. Paint yourselves as the opposition to the democrats and all you do is help them. It's yikes or yikes. Really.
I won't complain. You pay my medical if it gets real expensive and we'll call it a day. Thanks in advance. It's OK. The means to control populations are becoming more and more sophisticated, and accepted.
The insane cold has somewhat abated. Bedridden for two days. Any fast movement, and insane coughing or intense nausea. Then all of a sudden, it became about 55% better. Suddenly.
Like a Christmas Miracle. Once again I am pulled from the jaws of death, or the bottomless abyss.
I really have to say, the whole Russian thing seems very odd to me. But then the entire world of governments is beyond reason. Wikileaks people say it was not a state actor. I don't know. I do know that misinformation is the way things are done. I do notice, though, that the big talk is of the Rooskies "hacking the election". Even according to all allegations this is false.
They hacked emails and such. That is not the election. But it works way better to attack as if the Russians are the real republicans rather than address the dirty tricks revealed in the leaks.
I don't know if it came out for better or worse. It will be a worse that I don't know, which may be better than the worse I know. Not sure. Anything that has democrats actually acknowledging that we are a republic, and saying the word "Constitution" out loud cannot be all bad.
But the dimwits, in their typical knee-jerk fashion, now want to can the electoral college. That is because more than once it did not go their way. And because they do not truly grasp the danger, or even the concept of tyranny of the majority. I would be saying the same thing regardless of outcome.
The fact that people felt Hillary is any less dangerous than her opponent is a testament to how gullible people can be when they put their minds to it. The real dynamics at play have much more to do with cultivated resentments, peer acceptance, validation of one's intellect, sense of belonging, etc.
People won't admit it, but that drives a huge percentage of the population. Now that the politics of ethnicity, etc, identity politics, has somehow been deemed reasonable, honorable and virtuous, the discussion is over. If I say you are nuts, wrong, etc., it is probably my white privilege, and if you are female I am automatically a misogynist. When everything becomes filtered through race and ethnicity as if those things are virtuous qualities, what's to discuss? You are born this way or that. Probably a victim. Most people are. I am. Not sure of what, but I do feel the impact.
Truthfully, I can't watch much. Republicans are like caricatures of themselves, it seems. Really. Paint yourselves as the opposition to the democrats and all you do is help them. It's yikes or yikes. Really.
I won't complain. You pay my medical if it gets real expensive and we'll call it a day. Thanks in advance. It's OK. The means to control populations are becoming more and more sophisticated, and accepted.
The insane cold has somewhat abated. Bedridden for two days. Any fast movement, and insane coughing or intense nausea. Then all of a sudden, it became about 55% better. Suddenly.
Like a Christmas Miracle. Once again I am pulled from the jaws of death, or the bottomless abyss.
Saturday, December 3, 2016
No, Not The Twitter!!!
I don't actually check twitter. My twitting info comes from third party sources. Are you kidding? I want to follow and maybe become addicted to yet another stupid thing? No thanks.
So, I see somewhere that Donald tweets after Baldwin does his impression of Trump. Once again he is all of on a defensive rant; Baldwin is terrible, the show isn't funny, unwatchable, words to that effect.
The thing is, Donald Trump and Alec Baldwin both have that really base kind of attitude. Baldwin called his young daughter a pig. They both have no class. That is why they are always in little tiffs with someone. Now it is each other; a match made in Queens, I guess.
I remember how I would cringe when the Donald vs Rosie thing was going on. Both of them were so idiotic and low, crude, rude and obnoxious.
He is still unaware, as are many of his supporters that his deciding votes came from people voting against the entire political culture and establishment. They did not vote for Trump, per se. Many most likely know they elected a possible lunatic. That twitter finger of his set to hair trigger does nothing to dispel this notion.
But I had to laugh. I really did. People got so fed up with the attitude and the BS and the overbearing insanity of the status quo that they elected a frickin'--no one is sure--to be president. And the more they lockstep left freaks out, the more it eggs Twitter Finger into action, and the more crazy stuff he puts out there.
People are still worrying about nonsense. The lbgt and sometimes q groups making up stuff. It isn't happening, and it is the least of the worries in this country. The stuff that dems do; divide and anger by race, lbgt and sometimes q, sex, national origin, and any other non philosophical difference they can create.
What needs worry is that damned twitter account. They need to ban politicians. At least the ones in office. It gives you a reason to vote for them--no more twitter for a term. Trump should listen; no more twitter, and your numbers will go up.
I caught a little excerpt from the View--vomit--listening to Joy Bahar praise Castro and their "top notch healthcare for all" and 100% literacy. That is the koolaid left position so of course she takes that. What idiots. But she was there, and of course she was not guided or controlled while there. Joy is one of those who is just smart enough to think she is really bright, but too stupid to know she is not.
But please, let's not get in a war with her. She's another with that classless thing. Must be a specific neighborhood in New York. Sorry, but you know it is true. Crass, rude and proud of being scuz.
So, I see somewhere that Donald tweets after Baldwin does his impression of Trump. Once again he is all of on a defensive rant; Baldwin is terrible, the show isn't funny, unwatchable, words to that effect.
The thing is, Donald Trump and Alec Baldwin both have that really base kind of attitude. Baldwin called his young daughter a pig. They both have no class. That is why they are always in little tiffs with someone. Now it is each other; a match made in Queens, I guess.
I remember how I would cringe when the Donald vs Rosie thing was going on. Both of them were so idiotic and low, crude, rude and obnoxious.
He is still unaware, as are many of his supporters that his deciding votes came from people voting against the entire political culture and establishment. They did not vote for Trump, per se. Many most likely know they elected a possible lunatic. That twitter finger of his set to hair trigger does nothing to dispel this notion.
But I had to laugh. I really did. People got so fed up with the attitude and the BS and the overbearing insanity of the status quo that they elected a frickin'--no one is sure--to be president. And the more they lockstep left freaks out, the more it eggs Twitter Finger into action, and the more crazy stuff he puts out there.
People are still worrying about nonsense. The lbgt and sometimes q groups making up stuff. It isn't happening, and it is the least of the worries in this country. The stuff that dems do; divide and anger by race, lbgt and sometimes q, sex, national origin, and any other non philosophical difference they can create.
What needs worry is that damned twitter account. They need to ban politicians. At least the ones in office. It gives you a reason to vote for them--no more twitter for a term. Trump should listen; no more twitter, and your numbers will go up.
I caught a little excerpt from the View--vomit--listening to Joy Bahar praise Castro and their "top notch healthcare for all" and 100% literacy. That is the koolaid left position so of course she takes that. What idiots. But she was there, and of course she was not guided or controlled while there. Joy is one of those who is just smart enough to think she is really bright, but too stupid to know she is not.
But please, let's not get in a war with her. She's another with that classless thing. Must be a specific neighborhood in New York. Sorry, but you know it is true. Crass, rude and proud of being scuz.
Before You get All Worked Up
{although I do admit, these are wacko times}
No need to go ballistic over bad info, so maybe it is worth examining just a little bit further. I am not sure which came first the sensational half truths and non truths, or people hungering for reasons to go nuts, be hysterical and maybe hurt property and other people.
It is pretty stupid, whatever the case. It is dangerous and less fun than things that are fun.
Here are some examples. You do not have to like the people being accused of all these things, but you cannot be calling people kkk who aren't, nazi and all that when it is unsubstantiated and false. Your extrapolation of what the policies of these people may yield could point to all that racist, fascist stuff, but that does not make it so. The exaggerated fears and constant hand wringing and hysterical pleas to stand up, resist and blablabla are so over the top.
No way to tell the hard core about this. They think news is real, and that only the right wing outfits lie and mislead. Why bother?
I see the same on the right. Far less hysteria lately, and I hear the left complain about hostility but I have only seen left wing violence on any scale. They punched a horse and I will hold a grudge for awhile.
Also, you can show a picture of a group of people walking down a dirt road, apparently in the middle of nowhere, but that does not really constitute proof that they just hopped across the Rio Grande at the border and are walking to the nearest sanctuary city. The pictures show no context. Just a dirt road, Mexican looking families walking, brush on either side, not much else. Impossible to determine the location from that. It could be anywhere, so beware those who may be trying to play you.
No need to go ballistic over bad info, so maybe it is worth examining just a little bit further. I am not sure which came first the sensational half truths and non truths, or people hungering for reasons to go nuts, be hysterical and maybe hurt property and other people.
It is pretty stupid, whatever the case. It is dangerous and less fun than things that are fun.
Here are some examples. You do not have to like the people being accused of all these things, but you cannot be calling people kkk who aren't, nazi and all that when it is unsubstantiated and false. Your extrapolation of what the policies of these people may yield could point to all that racist, fascist stuff, but that does not make it so. The exaggerated fears and constant hand wringing and hysterical pleas to stand up, resist and blablabla are so over the top.
No way to tell the hard core about this. They think news is real, and that only the right wing outfits lie and mislead. Why bother?
I see the same on the right. Far less hysteria lately, and I hear the left complain about hostility but I have only seen left wing violence on any scale. They punched a horse and I will hold a grudge for awhile.
Also, you can show a picture of a group of people walking down a dirt road, apparently in the middle of nowhere, but that does not really constitute proof that they just hopped across the Rio Grande at the border and are walking to the nearest sanctuary city. The pictures show no context. Just a dirt road, Mexican looking families walking, brush on either side, not much else. Impossible to determine the location from that. It could be anywhere, so beware those who may be trying to play you.
Just is not proof.
And I am one who thinks we are idiots in how we handle immigration, and not one that leans toward the sanctuary city concept. Most people here have no clue what it takes to legally reside in other countries and how they punish trespassers. They don't even realize Mexico's immigration laws and enforcement are more draconian, by far, than our own.
But self hating Americans are in vogue. Or think they are. So, it matters not what you say, they claim America is evil, and they break it down by race. Left hand politics are racist by definition. It is their bread and butter--ginning up group hate, envy, anything to divide and anger.
I realize that what passes as the opposition is nuts. That is troubling. They, too, refuse to see that government and laws are not always the best way. They can't imagine a freer setup. They only imagine a setup in which they are able to enforce the stuff they are eager to prosecute.
In reality, the border thing is a big smokescreen for harassing citizens without cause. It is one thing to have the border crossing station and all that but another to have permanent roadblocks on major highways which do not ever even cross the border. These are many miles away. 20, 60, and more.
Border patrol has no legitimate right to do this. This is the federal government trying to run roughshod over the population. In is wrong. But the law and order dimwits who go all John Wayne at the dumbest times are probably blubbering a bunch of "oh thank you for your service!"
Well for those who man stations not anywhere near the border and ask citizens where they've been, where they are going, and why, No thanks for your disservice. Clearly they, and the people who created this encroaching police state do not give a damn about the constitution or your rights.
Friday, December 2, 2016
Once and For All; Fidel Was Not Good
It boggles the mind to see these lengthy articles claiming that Fidel improved life for Cubans and was a great fighter for freedom and justice. I won't belabor the point too much.
Go find the older Cubans in Miami, go somewhere and get a few facts. Or just assume that Mao and Stalin did wonderful things, too and be an idiot until you end up on the wrong side of one of these great democracy warriors.
That's the left wing of American politics. The real desire appears to be Castro-sty;e totalitarianism. So, quit pretending!!! Just come out with it. Oh, right, some already have.
Remember, Che and Raul, joked about the friendly competition with the firing squad purge, post revolution. No mention is usually made that Cuba had ratified a constitution which Batista betrayed, and Castro was expected to restore. Those who embraced his victory lap in Havana did not expect what they got.
But who cares. Sub-standard health care for all, and even good healthcare for some. The real cream of the crop would fly to Spain and elsewhere for really tricky stuff. And now they say he cured homelessness and malnutrition among youth. Really? And birth defects---that is because they kill the defective. Very high abortion rates. And they are trying to rewrite it now so that Fidel is all rainbow excited and lbgtqrxyz friendly and probably trans gender.
It is beyond me what fuels the minds of the neo progressive kool aid factories. I won't now jump to what these propaganda addled idiots consider the opposition, because what they call the opposition is no more sane than they are.
Opposition to both the left and right in this country is a belief in a constitutional republic with checks and balances. A belief that our system is the best, so far, if you want to thwart totalitarianism, mob rule, and trendy knee-jerk reactions to alter laws and government on a whim.
Neither side understands that you do not want your officials to have much power, no matter how wonderful they seem. It is what you might call the systematic approach to governance rather than the cult of personality approach.
Few people I know get that distinction or why it is important. That is why they are so easily lead, so easily fooled. Plus the systemic approach, constitutional approach, if followed honorably, leaves little room for the bribes for votes pandering that has become the hallmark of our election circus.
I'm still in disbelief. Because they think the "right" disliked Castro, they lie, and rewrite everything relevant to his life in order to make him a hero. It is disgusting, really.
How many of these people would be so supportive of these murderers if their loved ones were being brutalized, if they were thrown off their land and out of their house, if they were facing the firing squad because they knew the wrong people or worked some government job?
No, idiot progressives always think they will somehow be the elevated class; maybe lauded intellectuals, or somehow involved in enforcing the policies, not being the ones crushed.
It is beyond the 1984, Orwellian language. Or maybe not. Maybe it is just starkly come to fruition.
Go find the older Cubans in Miami, go somewhere and get a few facts. Or just assume that Mao and Stalin did wonderful things, too and be an idiot until you end up on the wrong side of one of these great democracy warriors.
That's the left wing of American politics. The real desire appears to be Castro-sty;e totalitarianism. So, quit pretending!!! Just come out with it. Oh, right, some already have.
Remember, Che and Raul, joked about the friendly competition with the firing squad purge, post revolution. No mention is usually made that Cuba had ratified a constitution which Batista betrayed, and Castro was expected to restore. Those who embraced his victory lap in Havana did not expect what they got.
But who cares. Sub-standard health care for all, and even good healthcare for some. The real cream of the crop would fly to Spain and elsewhere for really tricky stuff. And now they say he cured homelessness and malnutrition among youth. Really? And birth defects---that is because they kill the defective. Very high abortion rates. And they are trying to rewrite it now so that Fidel is all rainbow excited and lbgtqrxyz friendly and probably trans gender.
It is beyond me what fuels the minds of the neo progressive kool aid factories. I won't now jump to what these propaganda addled idiots consider the opposition, because what they call the opposition is no more sane than they are.
Opposition to both the left and right in this country is a belief in a constitutional republic with checks and balances. A belief that our system is the best, so far, if you want to thwart totalitarianism, mob rule, and trendy knee-jerk reactions to alter laws and government on a whim.
Neither side understands that you do not want your officials to have much power, no matter how wonderful they seem. It is what you might call the systematic approach to governance rather than the cult of personality approach.
Few people I know get that distinction or why it is important. That is why they are so easily lead, so easily fooled. Plus the systemic approach, constitutional approach, if followed honorably, leaves little room for the bribes for votes pandering that has become the hallmark of our election circus.
I'm still in disbelief. Because they think the "right" disliked Castro, they lie, and rewrite everything relevant to his life in order to make him a hero. It is disgusting, really.
How many of these people would be so supportive of these murderers if their loved ones were being brutalized, if they were thrown off their land and out of their house, if they were facing the firing squad because they knew the wrong people or worked some government job?
No, idiot progressives always think they will somehow be the elevated class; maybe lauded intellectuals, or somehow involved in enforcing the policies, not being the ones crushed.
It is beyond the 1984, Orwellian language. Or maybe not. Maybe it is just starkly come to fruition.
Thursday, December 1, 2016
Personality Cult Politics Doesn't Work
People who think if only we get the right autocrat in office, all will be well. And if their pick fails to instantly make it how they like, due to Constitutional constraints occasionally observed by Congress and others in government, they get all worked up.
People wanted a personality cult with Obama. Nothing irked them more than supposed republican opposition, even when the dems had both houses. Now others are doing the personality cult with Trump, trying to pretend the unconstitutional things that have been discussed are irrelevant. To a point they are. All of a sudden, Democrats care about the Constitution. So that bit of theater is fun.
Watching the rationalizing is not particularly heart warming. But what is even less encouraging is the apparent lack of understanding regarding the purpose of our constitution. It is as if those sworn to uphold it, in whom we place certain trust, have no inkling of how our form of government works and why it was designed as it is.
It was set up to be semi idiot-proof, resistant to whim of majority or otherwise, and not dependent upon the fancy of a monarch regarding procedure and limits. But people have been doing their damnedest to bring us back to that sort of thing. There are very powerful people who like totalitarian society. Never ceases to amaze.
Like the popular heroes who praised Fidel's legacy and life. So, in the spirit of Justin and Colin, I will also praise the accomplishments of our old pal, El Comandante. Maybe that is how you spell it.
Fidel was addressing the obesity crisis in Cuba long before it became all the rage in the USA. His tactic, for the good of his people, was to preemptively attack the problem. Even before it occurred. Genius. Just impoverish them to the point where they cannot find enough food to get fat. And make them like it. If they complained he just put them in fat farms. Some capitalist pigs called those prisons.
Those same pigs call the malcontents, "dissidents". No, my friends, they had it coming. Fidel made education free and 1930's level medicine free to the non party/non government population. Free healthcare for all. Some healthcare a little more equal than others.
If nothing else, he should be remembered for his forward thinking and actions regarding the global obesity crisis. You set the example of how to turn a first world country into an out of this world 3rd world plus nation. You rocked it, and got away with almost every violent crime in the book. Genius!
People wanted a personality cult with Obama. Nothing irked them more than supposed republican opposition, even when the dems had both houses. Now others are doing the personality cult with Trump, trying to pretend the unconstitutional things that have been discussed are irrelevant. To a point they are. All of a sudden, Democrats care about the Constitution. So that bit of theater is fun.
Watching the rationalizing is not particularly heart warming. But what is even less encouraging is the apparent lack of understanding regarding the purpose of our constitution. It is as if those sworn to uphold it, in whom we place certain trust, have no inkling of how our form of government works and why it was designed as it is.
It was set up to be semi idiot-proof, resistant to whim of majority or otherwise, and not dependent upon the fancy of a monarch regarding procedure and limits. But people have been doing their damnedest to bring us back to that sort of thing. There are very powerful people who like totalitarian society. Never ceases to amaze.
Like the popular heroes who praised Fidel's legacy and life. So, in the spirit of Justin and Colin, I will also praise the accomplishments of our old pal, El Comandante. Maybe that is how you spell it.
Fidel was addressing the obesity crisis in Cuba long before it became all the rage in the USA. His tactic, for the good of his people, was to preemptively attack the problem. Even before it occurred. Genius. Just impoverish them to the point where they cannot find enough food to get fat. And make them like it. If they complained he just put them in fat farms. Some capitalist pigs called those prisons.
Those same pigs call the malcontents, "dissidents". No, my friends, they had it coming. Fidel made education free and 1930's level medicine free to the non party/non government population. Free healthcare for all. Some healthcare a little more equal than others.
If nothing else, he should be remembered for his forward thinking and actions regarding the global obesity crisis. You set the example of how to turn a first world country into an out of this world 3rd world plus nation. You rocked it, and got away with almost every violent crime in the book. Genius!
Sunday, November 27, 2016
No Twitter Twitting, Please
The worst thing in the evolution of politics in this country is the use of twitter. I hated it even before Trump, and now I dislike it more. He is always responding two seconds after whatever it is. There is a point that you just go about your business and let the wrong battles drop. Pick worthy things.
I cringe every time I see a story about any politician and what they say or others say about them on friggin twitter. The old term "twit", which was used to denote twits, was there for a reason.
Case closed.
I cringe every time I see a story about any politician and what they say or others say about them on friggin twitter. The old term "twit", which was used to denote twits, was there for a reason.
Case closed.
Move Over, Che
There's a new Spanish speaking dead guy in town, Fidel. Let's get the T shirt presses ready. Fidel on one side and Che on the other, or a pic of them golfing or fishing together.
Unbelievable. Predictable though. We have people in Congress who have actually praised China for having their act together domestically.
So here's the picture at the top of Reuters article. They should be forgiven. Enough decades of misinformation and what becomes accepted as true replaces fact.
People are nuts. But the real pictures should be of Calle Ocho in Miami.
Unbelievable. Predictable though. We have people in Congress who have actually praised China for having their act together domestically.
So here's the picture at the top of Reuters article. They should be forgiven. Enough decades of misinformation and what becomes accepted as true replaces fact.
They don't know that you need to be breaking windows and burning cop cars to show you really mean it.
I am in disbelief of CNN's Cuban in Cuba coverage. Unbelievable. Really. But it is a total waste of time to discuss it. There are all these lockstep progressive/democrat positions, and some are based on totally false premises, and some are just nonsense.
To pretend that Castro is a good guy one has to do it by saying Mao and Stalin, and some other communist dictators caused more deaths, therefore he was a heck of a guy. Another thing that somehow got blurred was that the USA prevented Cubans from organizing to take the place back. US never intended to succeed at taking him out or the would have.
We actually aided him before he became him.
This could work out, or it could mean absolutely nothing.
If I Ever
If I ever get out of this mess, which I now think is what they call hoarding, even though I don't quite get the term, I may start a business, or just a one man secret service, to help others like me get past it. I have searched the help avenues online. I even called one, but her website was misleading. Unless you have a huge estate or the like, you'll pay thousands extra. She's Orange county and north mostly.
The majority of stuff is for the archetypical very old person in one of those old fashioned wicker backed wheel chairs, wearing a smoking jacket or ornate robe, blanket over knees, etc. At least, so it seems.
I just want someone to do the work. Every time I start I get so intensely sad and full of remorse and regret for where I am that I can't even move. The only reason I don't just quit altogether is I feel so bad for leaving any work for others. This is wrong and sick.
That is the truth of it. And it is not that much. I have no friends who have time to fool with it. My friends on Pt Loma did help about five years ago. Little progress has been made since and we have travelled backwards. A sea of mail, unopened. Government junk. Insurance. Who knows?
This is un fettered depression I think. Psychosis of some type I bet. That is simply unacceptable. I need a really good girlfriend or wife, but that is impossible until I fix my hide so it is once again a dwelling. No one in the world want to be around me and come help me as I go through withdrawal from years of neglect and hiding.
I have never really cured this issue. Not for most of my life. The sadness part, not necessarily the other but that too. I believe I get why, but I just have to get past it. Life growing up should not ruin everything forever and do it so sneakily that youy don't even get what you've done-or not done-until too late.
This is a case of pure will. More than anything, even stopping drinking. This is dealing with another symptom of the same fear of reality and confusion that cause the drinking. My own lack of certitude. I had no desire to even drink. I did it because that was who I ran with and running with them was a ticket out of the house. That dynamic is totally bizarre and too sad to even relive this minute. I do not think anyone knew how terribly sad I was, now that I look at it. It may not have been obvious. It was to me, but I just figured rejecting anything I thought about how things worked was the ticket. Drink, be fickle, lose all feeling, be numb and forget all you think is good. Just be unconscious.
Boy they just hit the tip of the iceberg in Miami with all the studies and psychological workups and counseling in the years after I stopped drinking. I was stopped about four years before they got really into it. Eventually I quit them. Wrong again. They wanted to make the state pay for me to get a doctorate, in any field they said. The one lady had a pretty good plan. I would have had to finish up the bachelor but that would have been doable back then.
Got to wonder what I was thinking in that whole take the girl who didn't care and her daughter to NC and save them thing. OK. I know what I was thinking. I do not know why I was ignoring reality.
When that exploded I never quite got a grip again. Almost, then no. It is a self destructive and stubborn pattern. Totally unnecessary. Truly the coward's way out I guess. But don't ever think being a coward is a picnic. I will try to be the courageous one from now on. I thought I was as a child and that is likely true.
How far into giving up I am is shocking. That is what makes reversing the momentum a real bitch if you will excuse my lingo. I do not tend to call people such names so the rude factor is minimal.
The majority of stuff is for the archetypical very old person in one of those old fashioned wicker backed wheel chairs, wearing a smoking jacket or ornate robe, blanket over knees, etc. At least, so it seems.
I just want someone to do the work. Every time I start I get so intensely sad and full of remorse and regret for where I am that I can't even move. The only reason I don't just quit altogether is I feel so bad for leaving any work for others. This is wrong and sick.
That is the truth of it. And it is not that much. I have no friends who have time to fool with it. My friends on Pt Loma did help about five years ago. Little progress has been made since and we have travelled backwards. A sea of mail, unopened. Government junk. Insurance. Who knows?
This is un fettered depression I think. Psychosis of some type I bet. That is simply unacceptable. I need a really good girlfriend or wife, but that is impossible until I fix my hide so it is once again a dwelling. No one in the world want to be around me and come help me as I go through withdrawal from years of neglect and hiding.
I have never really cured this issue. Not for most of my life. The sadness part, not necessarily the other but that too. I believe I get why, but I just have to get past it. Life growing up should not ruin everything forever and do it so sneakily that youy don't even get what you've done-or not done-until too late.
This is a case of pure will. More than anything, even stopping drinking. This is dealing with another symptom of the same fear of reality and confusion that cause the drinking. My own lack of certitude. I had no desire to even drink. I did it because that was who I ran with and running with them was a ticket out of the house. That dynamic is totally bizarre and too sad to even relive this minute. I do not think anyone knew how terribly sad I was, now that I look at it. It may not have been obvious. It was to me, but I just figured rejecting anything I thought about how things worked was the ticket. Drink, be fickle, lose all feeling, be numb and forget all you think is good. Just be unconscious.
Boy they just hit the tip of the iceberg in Miami with all the studies and psychological workups and counseling in the years after I stopped drinking. I was stopped about four years before they got really into it. Eventually I quit them. Wrong again. They wanted to make the state pay for me to get a doctorate, in any field they said. The one lady had a pretty good plan. I would have had to finish up the bachelor but that would have been doable back then.
Got to wonder what I was thinking in that whole take the girl who didn't care and her daughter to NC and save them thing. OK. I know what I was thinking. I do not know why I was ignoring reality.
When that exploded I never quite got a grip again. Almost, then no. It is a self destructive and stubborn pattern. Totally unnecessary. Truly the coward's way out I guess. But don't ever think being a coward is a picnic. I will try to be the courageous one from now on. I thought I was as a child and that is likely true.
How far into giving up I am is shocking. That is what makes reversing the momentum a real bitch if you will excuse my lingo. I do not tend to call people such names so the rude factor is minimal.
Saturday, November 26, 2016
To Monarchists Trapped In This Republic
The whole First Lady routine is a made up PR scheme, and tends to be fueled by the legions of citizens who seem somehow enamored with pretending we live in some royal realm. First Spouse.
No one voted for the spouse. So why is it that they do things which involve tax money and government resources? That should be nixed.
What else should be nixed is the ability to attach irrelevant but significant ryders onto bills. That is how sneaky deals get through. That is why every bill reads "For blablabla, and other purposes". No no no. How did we ever come to accept letting these people more or less write themselves a blank check to barter cronyism, blackmail, whatever, with every bill.
A bill titled "To Save the Children" might end up with an add on to kill cats. Titles of bills mean nothing. Often they are misleading.
Anyway, the only reason to play the spouse vs spouse game is if you somehow equate them as the royal family.
I have always thought the thing of first souses having a cause and wasting taxes on it was ridiculous. It is a holdover from the old days of feudal lords and such. In that sort of monarchy the whole family gets to impose their will upon the people who pay for all of it and them.
In America we should be spared the oversight and unsolicited efforts of that part of the family which was not elected. I don't care who it is. Butt out. Go Away. Even if I agree with your policy or cause, no. You get out. To do less would make you an interloper who does not respect this system for running a country. Which is foolish. Done as written, it can be very good.
Anyway. Michelle's designer won't dress Melania. For political reasons, clearly. Apparently no one actually asked her. She just jumped out for some free pub. I say let them eat cake, if you get the parallel.
No one voted for the spouse. So why is it that they do things which involve tax money and government resources? That should be nixed.
What else should be nixed is the ability to attach irrelevant but significant ryders onto bills. That is how sneaky deals get through. That is why every bill reads "For blablabla, and other purposes". No no no. How did we ever come to accept letting these people more or less write themselves a blank check to barter cronyism, blackmail, whatever, with every bill.
A bill titled "To Save the Children" might end up with an add on to kill cats. Titles of bills mean nothing. Often they are misleading.
Anyway, the only reason to play the spouse vs spouse game is if you somehow equate them as the royal family.
I have always thought the thing of first souses having a cause and wasting taxes on it was ridiculous. It is a holdover from the old days of feudal lords and such. In that sort of monarchy the whole family gets to impose their will upon the people who pay for all of it and them.
In America we should be spared the oversight and unsolicited efforts of that part of the family which was not elected. I don't care who it is. Butt out. Go Away. Even if I agree with your policy or cause, no. You get out. To do less would make you an interloper who does not respect this system for running a country. Which is foolish. Done as written, it can be very good.
Anyway. Michelle's designer won't dress Melania. For political reasons, clearly. Apparently no one actually asked her. She just jumped out for some free pub. I say let them eat cake, if you get the parallel.
Mansplaining? I can't keep up
So, contrary to my vow to quick even hitting the like button on facebook, I commented. Really, I hate generalities. Especially the ones that pretend all men are one thing and all women another. They are false. They are BS, and they are designed, apparently, so dimwits can find their place and no how to act.
This one was a link about a study that shows how men hate smart women. It begins with the phrase, "thanks patriarchy". And goes from there. No bias at all here.
The assertion was that men fear smart women more than anything. I called it BS and went on to say that such generalities are only designed to divide and cause conflict and that only the instigators benefit from such things.
I was mocked for my mansplaining. I had also indicated that the axiom that women always go for the bad boys, ie jerks, was about as valid a claim. I was told that she had to smirk at my mansplaining and some other insulting garbage that made me think she did not get my reply.
Then I realized that if I engaged any further, my "privilege" would be the next thing drawn into question.
The insanity going on is really troubling. I am glad I will probably be dead before these people totally get their way. But I see that even if they don't they will destroy things and raise hell until things are so screwed up no one will get what they think they want.
It is unbelievable where progressives will go to further their cause of complete and utter annihilation of personal identity, the nature of humans, and freedom of thought. The vitriol whenever a story or study designed to create divisiveness is questioned. As soon as you question it you are sexist, or racist, or privileged or a MISTER MAN!
The only thing OK for a man to do or think as far as these people go is to totally express hatred of your own kind and to pander using all the right buzzwords and phrases. I have not seen a narrower mindset since the hippy days. They were hateful greedy bastards pretending to prach love and tolerance. Very few of the most hip were tolerant or even honest. Just out to get the chicks--dumb ones apparently--and the drugs and be cool. Philosophy?
The hippy philosophy was mostly spouted by parrots who had no clue what any of it meant. I hate them more for being disingenuous than for their alleged philosophy. I don't like the draft or war either. They were the most useful of idiots and have no idea that this is so.
This one was a link about a study that shows how men hate smart women. It begins with the phrase, "thanks patriarchy". And goes from there. No bias at all here.
The assertion was that men fear smart women more than anything. I called it BS and went on to say that such generalities are only designed to divide and cause conflict and that only the instigators benefit from such things.
I was mocked for my mansplaining. I had also indicated that the axiom that women always go for the bad boys, ie jerks, was about as valid a claim. I was told that she had to smirk at my mansplaining and some other insulting garbage that made me think she did not get my reply.
Then I realized that if I engaged any further, my "privilege" would be the next thing drawn into question.
The insanity going on is really troubling. I am glad I will probably be dead before these people totally get their way. But I see that even if they don't they will destroy things and raise hell until things are so screwed up no one will get what they think they want.
It is unbelievable where progressives will go to further their cause of complete and utter annihilation of personal identity, the nature of humans, and freedom of thought. The vitriol whenever a story or study designed to create divisiveness is questioned. As soon as you question it you are sexist, or racist, or privileged or a MISTER MAN!
The only thing OK for a man to do or think as far as these people go is to totally express hatred of your own kind and to pander using all the right buzzwords and phrases. I have not seen a narrower mindset since the hippy days. They were hateful greedy bastards pretending to prach love and tolerance. Very few of the most hip were tolerant or even honest. Just out to get the chicks--dumb ones apparently--and the drugs and be cool. Philosophy?
The hippy philosophy was mostly spouted by parrots who had no clue what any of it meant. I hate them more for being disingenuous than for their alleged philosophy. I don't like the draft or war either. They were the most useful of idiots and have no idea that this is so.
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
What Does This Mean?
Every time I think about writing letters to a few different people who mean a lot to me, I always begin with "I'm sorry...". Then I put it out of my mind and never write the letter. I may be sorry but I doubt I could have changed it, given the hill I stumbled down. That's a metaphor for my childhood experience. Like falling down a very rocky hill. Not enough to kill you, just keep you ever disoriented.
Something is wrong if every letter you have thought of writing for awhile began in your mind with the words, "I'm sorry.".
Something is wrong if every letter you have thought of writing for awhile began in your mind with the words, "I'm sorry.".
And Another Thing
Mr. Schmizer, who may have been republican, was my 12th grade physics teacher. I got A's on all tests, but because I was not Jewish, he and much of the class were sure I was somehow cheating, even though I could always answer any oral question.
I did hate homework but I liked the material and wanted a suitable grade. Mostly I ignored grades so mine were all over the map. But I wanted the A in that class. Partly because I so richly deserved it for once and had made a shred of effort to be sure I understood the information given.
Anyway, another jewel in the public school crown, Mr. spit spit Schmizer. His way to prevent me from getting an A was to give me a D as an "attitude grade" and count it as much as a test. He claimed I talked but that wasn't true, the haters of non-Jews around me weren't people I was talking to. They made their own noise. He then decided I got the grade because I did not come to help sessions after school the day before the test.
I worked. The slave labor spear gun factory. Satan's little tool of torture in the Ballistictour household. That and the draft. Geez. Besides, if I am acing the tests, and I mean generally with 100% unless Schmizo could invent deductions of a point or two here and there, why would I need a help session?
Why would I go into a hotbed of people who just assumed I was stupid because of my riffraff friends and because I wasn't an Israelite? They were so sure I was trouble. But they got mad when I would play "hide the other guy's band candy", but instead returned it to its proper owner. Then that guy was sure I took it to begin with, despite evidence to the contrary. After all I was a dumbass, who wasn't part of the Jewish click. Only Kenny Marx. We skipped school and rode around Coral gables and Key Biscayne quite often. I had actually defended some of them against bullies in grade school. Most people I defended never reciprocated when it would have been nice.
So another public school success story. And they possibly wonder why I want to write obscenities in response to memes on Facebook which tout the undying selflessness and dedication of teachers.
By teachers they mean those with that official title, not necessarily people who help you in furthering your knowledge and skills.
I did hate homework but I liked the material and wanted a suitable grade. Mostly I ignored grades so mine were all over the map. But I wanted the A in that class. Partly because I so richly deserved it for once and had made a shred of effort to be sure I understood the information given.
Anyway, another jewel in the public school crown, Mr. spit spit Schmizer. His way to prevent me from getting an A was to give me a D as an "attitude grade" and count it as much as a test. He claimed I talked but that wasn't true, the haters of non-Jews around me weren't people I was talking to. They made their own noise. He then decided I got the grade because I did not come to help sessions after school the day before the test.
I worked. The slave labor spear gun factory. Satan's little tool of torture in the Ballistictour household. That and the draft. Geez. Besides, if I am acing the tests, and I mean generally with 100% unless Schmizo could invent deductions of a point or two here and there, why would I need a help session?
Why would I go into a hotbed of people who just assumed I was stupid because of my riffraff friends and because I wasn't an Israelite? They were so sure I was trouble. But they got mad when I would play "hide the other guy's band candy", but instead returned it to its proper owner. Then that guy was sure I took it to begin with, despite evidence to the contrary. After all I was a dumbass, who wasn't part of the Jewish click. Only Kenny Marx. We skipped school and rode around Coral gables and Key Biscayne quite often. I had actually defended some of them against bullies in grade school. Most people I defended never reciprocated when it would have been nice.
So another public school success story. And they possibly wonder why I want to write obscenities in response to memes on Facebook which tout the undying selflessness and dedication of teachers.
By teachers they mean those with that official title, not necessarily people who help you in furthering your knowledge and skills.
I'd Give A Lot
Right now I would sign over half of what I own to anyone who could straighten out this mess and get me up to date in the world of officialdom. The place would have to be really good and squeaky clean, streamlined and organized.
By it would be a very good pay day.
Any takers? I may tend to negotiate down but we are talking some good money. Like taking cigarette butts from a junkie. Or something. Hey, I don't smoke. Still. That is helpful, but no guarantee I won't kick the bucket before I get all straight and right. So, I am betting God wants you to fix this mess and help me not implode for a final time.
lots of love )LOL
By it would be a very good pay day.
Any takers? I may tend to negotiate down but we are talking some good money. Like taking cigarette butts from a junkie. Or something. Hey, I don't smoke. Still. That is helpful, but no guarantee I won't kick the bucket before I get all straight and right. So, I am betting God wants you to fix this mess and help me not implode for a final time.
lots of love )LOL
What if I Am Wrong?
Everything, almost, in my life has been done wrong. What if all my views are really nonsense and I can't see it? That would be bad. I hope I start doing things right. Then I won't care if the other stuff is right or wrong because I will have other things occupying my mind and that will be much better.
OK. Happy Holidays. I really would like to hide now.
OK. Happy Holidays. I really would like to hide now.
The Secret Points of Importance
In all the nonsense I see online about the Electoral College and other matters dealing with politics and The Election there seems to be a real dearth of insight when it comes to these very important elements to consider.
Concepts to ponder: republic. tyranny of majority. what is an intrinsic-to-being-human-right? God given right, if you will. Lack of grasp of this explains why so many continually seek solace from the very monster which promotes so many woes.
Democrats can't afford for the word "right" to be defined properly. In pandering for votes, they try to convince people that it is their right to judge and control how others spend their earnings. That's democracy. Actually, with no qualifiers, it is.
I don't really know what republicans think. I really have always disliked the democratic party. I think Mr. Bobo was a democrat, and I know my civics teacher was. What a creep. He asked for discussion about a progressive income tax, for or against, pro and con. I was against but very articulate in my reasoning. He then did the typical democrat thing and tried to bully this 14 year old kid, in his class. Coward.
He tried making fun of me to get the class in on the ridicule. It didn't work. I had friends back then and girls liked me. He really pushed it. I got kicked out for the rest of the hour. Even back then democrats used ridicule and abuse to battle logic and true diversity; diversity of thought. They hate it. And they've been assaulting the institutions of higher learning and public education for 100 years I'm guessing.
You can do very well in that system as long as you are of the right stuff. The right thinking.
Every time I think republicans might offer a good alternative they parade out these bizarre goof ball creeps like Mitch McConnell. He's a panderer and people know it. You may halfway agree with him bit when it really counts he is unreliable and tends to blow smoke. After seeing some of these characters I begin to realize why they call everyone else, "of color". Its like a friggin enclave of vampires. Some of those people really are transparent. I shouldn't be talking looks.
Republicans make me mad because they do such a poor job of being a good alternative to the democrats. Both parties will march us toward an eventual totalitarian state and world after that. That is what I think. They will both keep us in military conflicts overseas while restricting freedoms at home in response to "the growing threat".
Remember the outrage when people did not embrace president Obama. And remember how he went around with all these "Office of The President-elect of the United States of America". Lots of official looking seals. He was on it full tilt screwing with Bush until he was actually there. If weren't a fan you were racist. Now the same people say you are racist if you didn't like their recent candidate. Now they unload the misogyny word.
Anyone know the counterpart word? Do any of these misandrists know? Doubtful, yet their pictures are right there in the dictionary beside the word.
I'm thinking a good cause for this first lady would be to promote a healthy nudist lifestyle due to the vitamin D deficiency all across America. It is the vitamin D crisis. She can be the poster girl for this worthy effort.
And I have to say, I have a lot of questions about the pres-elect. I am kind of holding my breath, hoping nothing awful happens which would prevent his inauguration. That could be worse that whatever damage he plans to do. I do not actually find him more dangerous than Hillary, still. Or than most at that level of politics. In his case it is like a loose cannon on the grounds.
In the other case it is a very tangled but strong web, (I would say "robust" but I have come to believe that is some sort of progressive code word, and I do not want to make contact) woven by crony capitalists, international bankers, and of course the people who make bullets and such. If you honestly
think the entrenched Clintons, Schumers, and that ilk are driven by high ideals and not deals, you are someone to whom I would like to sell all the junk I own and the rainbow rights to Mt. Laguna.
By the way a natural right, God given right, does not include your right to forced labor or the property of another. None of that. Politicians often promote the result as the right, rather than the choice to pursue a thing as the right. You have a right to exercise. You do not have a right to be Mr Universe. You may or may not do that.
You have a right to seek shelter but not to demand it. Now people may choose to see to it that no one has to be out in they rain unless they want that. But it is not a natural right. Anything involving time and effort of another is not your automatic natural right.
Contracts of various types entitle one to whatever was promised but that is different. Defining things properly does not mean I think the fake rights lists from people like FDR or the UN are all awful things but they are not natural rights. I wish they were. I could demand the right to peace of mind and somehow finally have it.
I could demand the perfect mate because it is my right not to be a lonely loser. Why do my demands not get met?
It has been about a decade since I felt this bad and freaky inside. I shall once again overcome. I cannot dies until there is no mess and no hassle. And we ain't there yet. I suspect that when we are I will be loving life and be worth someone's time for the long haul. But right now I am not there yet.
Concepts to ponder: republic. tyranny of majority. what is an intrinsic-to-being-human-right? God given right, if you will. Lack of grasp of this explains why so many continually seek solace from the very monster which promotes so many woes.
Democrats can't afford for the word "right" to be defined properly. In pandering for votes, they try to convince people that it is their right to judge and control how others spend their earnings. That's democracy. Actually, with no qualifiers, it is.
I don't really know what republicans think. I really have always disliked the democratic party. I think Mr. Bobo was a democrat, and I know my civics teacher was. What a creep. He asked for discussion about a progressive income tax, for or against, pro and con. I was against but very articulate in my reasoning. He then did the typical democrat thing and tried to bully this 14 year old kid, in his class. Coward.
He tried making fun of me to get the class in on the ridicule. It didn't work. I had friends back then and girls liked me. He really pushed it. I got kicked out for the rest of the hour. Even back then democrats used ridicule and abuse to battle logic and true diversity; diversity of thought. They hate it. And they've been assaulting the institutions of higher learning and public education for 100 years I'm guessing.
You can do very well in that system as long as you are of the right stuff. The right thinking.
Every time I think republicans might offer a good alternative they parade out these bizarre goof ball creeps like Mitch McConnell. He's a panderer and people know it. You may halfway agree with him bit when it really counts he is unreliable and tends to blow smoke. After seeing some of these characters I begin to realize why they call everyone else, "of color". Its like a friggin enclave of vampires. Some of those people really are transparent. I shouldn't be talking looks.
Republicans make me mad because they do such a poor job of being a good alternative to the democrats. Both parties will march us toward an eventual totalitarian state and world after that. That is what I think. They will both keep us in military conflicts overseas while restricting freedoms at home in response to "the growing threat".
Remember the outrage when people did not embrace president Obama. And remember how he went around with all these "Office of The President-elect of the United States of America". Lots of official looking seals. He was on it full tilt screwing with Bush until he was actually there. If weren't a fan you were racist. Now the same people say you are racist if you didn't like their recent candidate. Now they unload the misogyny word.
Anyone know the counterpart word? Do any of these misandrists know? Doubtful, yet their pictures are right there in the dictionary beside the word.
I'm thinking a good cause for this first lady would be to promote a healthy nudist lifestyle due to the vitamin D deficiency all across America. It is the vitamin D crisis. She can be the poster girl for this worthy effort.
And I have to say, I have a lot of questions about the pres-elect. I am kind of holding my breath, hoping nothing awful happens which would prevent his inauguration. That could be worse that whatever damage he plans to do. I do not actually find him more dangerous than Hillary, still. Or than most at that level of politics. In his case it is like a loose cannon on the grounds.
In the other case it is a very tangled but strong web, (I would say "robust" but I have come to believe that is some sort of progressive code word, and I do not want to make contact) woven by crony capitalists, international bankers, and of course the people who make bullets and such. If you honestly
Just because. No real reason
By the way a natural right, God given right, does not include your right to forced labor or the property of another. None of that. Politicians often promote the result as the right, rather than the choice to pursue a thing as the right. You have a right to exercise. You do not have a right to be Mr Universe. You may or may not do that.
You have a right to seek shelter but not to demand it. Now people may choose to see to it that no one has to be out in they rain unless they want that. But it is not a natural right. Anything involving time and effort of another is not your automatic natural right.
Contracts of various types entitle one to whatever was promised but that is different. Defining things properly does not mean I think the fake rights lists from people like FDR or the UN are all awful things but they are not natural rights. I wish they were. I could demand the right to peace of mind and somehow finally have it.
I could demand the perfect mate because it is my right not to be a lonely loser. Why do my demands not get met?
It has been about a decade since I felt this bad and freaky inside. I shall once again overcome. I cannot dies until there is no mess and no hassle. And we ain't there yet. I suspect that when we are I will be loving life and be worth someone's time for the long haul. But right now I am not there yet.
Your Selective Anti-Racism is Racist
There was a highly edited clip of some guy talking at a conference to a group of people. I had not paid any attention to this guy in the past. Apparently he is all into the white this and that movement, although I think movement is an exaggeration. I seriously doubt there are as many neo nazis and white supremacists as is implied lately.
Certainly not enough to elect a president. But the democrats insist upon spinning the loss any number of ways, always avoiding the fact that the other people weren't voted for, the dems were voted against. The smug, insulting culture they've developed, the INTOLERANCE of the democratic party and the tendency to bully. Those are the reasons.
I know they would be outraged that I called them bullies. But they are whenever they can get away with it. You do not see the same violence on an every day basis from others. Others hold a big event, or demonstration, they often even clean up after themselves. A moveon or democratic demonstration will have property damage, animal abuse, Bullying, violence.
Not that those groups who clean up and don't be violent aren't off on lunacy too. Wearing a three cornered hat does not make a political statement. Really. During the revolutionary war, the British wore similar garb. You just look silly wearing period clothes and pretending to be Ben Franklin. He did it better. Just be your own crazy self.
Just how it is. I know it is all couched under righteous indignation and any number of anger justifying excuses but the facts remain.
So the guy I just now heard, Richard Spencer, is a manipulator, apparently. I am cautious about the video because it is so highly, and obviously edited. It sounded racial, but there was no suggestion of violence toward others, etc. It was hard to tell the point because the thing was chopped up to provide sound bites and footage of cheering people, some of whom did the outstretched arm, like the Hitler salute, or before that the original pledge of allegiance salute. (changed to hand over heart in the 1930's)
OK. So it is bad and on and on. They are using this guy as the face of the "alt right". I am not sure of the term, but clearly the news uses it interchangeably with kkk and white nationalist/supremacist sorts of things. I am thinking they are trying to cast others as racist who actually aren't by lumping them all in together.
That is like lumping democrats in with the alt left--those who want totalitarian communism and all that. OK, many of us tend to think that is the logical end to the path democrats love, but it is still a stretch. Republicans are not racists, they just tend to be there to make democrats mad enough to win some votes. I have no idea what they want, honestly. What I would have called the reasonable less government people is alt. right, before the media or someone hijacked the term. So what to call myself or others like me, I don't know. Nothing left.
Anyway, this Spencer guy does not speak for me. I don't think. The video I saw only paints an impression, and I find it slightly suspect. He could have been doing a parody but the context was so edited out, I would never know. And I've seen some outright lies portrayed in video as truth, and done through clever editing. (See Michael Moore movies for many examples)
OK so racist, and let's blame Trump, who is obnoxious, perhaps, but racist is over the top. I am islamophobic so I do not fault him or care if he is accused of that. Many religions and cultures creep me out. Islam is right up there on that list, along with many cultures of the world. And I like different people and places, just not wacko goat buggering, women stoning lunatics.
OK. So there is outrage. But the guy did not advocate violence. Yet, to the left this is awful racism, yet when a Black Panther rants about hating "every iota of a cracker", and black muslims proclaim that all whites and white babies should be killed, they don't even take the rant off of Youtube, and we hear no outrage. Some people are so stupid they claim that only whites can be racist. Impossible for blacks, etc.
La Raza, a racist group. Black lives matter, racist and promoters of false information to create hatred. There are far more people wrapped up in other racist groups than white race groups. Because whites are the least racist, per capita, of any other group in this country.
Maybe that was not always the way of things. It is now. Or was. People are doing their best to create racism and tribalism in every group. Then you can pander to their emotions and control them better.
I'm saying that by denying the racism of la raza and every other race based conflict craving outfit, yet pretending the klan is riding through in legions and whites are all on some racism kick, you show how racist you are. You think so little of non whites, those of color, not transparent, that you will not even hold them to the same standard when it comes to being haters.
Much of that racism is right out in the open and self hating whites try to pretend to take up their cause, which is oddly to free the world of you. I may join them in that sentiment.
It is OK to violently assault some trump hat wearing character and it is not hate. But please do not let the attackers be white and the vic an of color person. Now it is hate and gets notice. Neither is a good thing. It is the pretense and hypocrisy that annoys me. Trying to have these double and triple standards is not good. What do you think was racially wrong in the past? If you can't guess, I will tell you--Double Standards!
The real elephant in the room is the gradual celebration among white people of misandry. It has increased and become the norm, as long as the object of hate is white. That is the flip side of the misogyny coin. Male hate. That enabled the manipulators of society to lump together women and minorities when seeking special treatment. If you are a minority you can be either man or woman, it is not gender specific. Throw in "and women" and it is clear what you mean is white women. The others were already included. Easier just to say white men need not apply. And by today's double and triple standards, that is acceptable.
And you think Trump is racist? I have no idea, but I do know that movements on campus for zones that exclude everyone "not of color" are highly racist. And they are bullies, crying about how white privilege triggers their angst.
I give up.
A world of lies, and I am thinking I will never just get my miserable life organized before I die, and everyone will hate me for being a loser who left a big mess. So, what the hell do I care if people are stupid, and lie, and pretend to be thoughtful when they are creepy bullies, racists and morons?
Certainly not enough to elect a president. But the democrats insist upon spinning the loss any number of ways, always avoiding the fact that the other people weren't voted for, the dems were voted against. The smug, insulting culture they've developed, the INTOLERANCE of the democratic party and the tendency to bully. Those are the reasons.
I know they would be outraged that I called them bullies. But they are whenever they can get away with it. You do not see the same violence on an every day basis from others. Others hold a big event, or demonstration, they often even clean up after themselves. A moveon or democratic demonstration will have property damage, animal abuse, Bullying, violence.
Not that those groups who clean up and don't be violent aren't off on lunacy too. Wearing a three cornered hat does not make a political statement. Really. During the revolutionary war, the British wore similar garb. You just look silly wearing period clothes and pretending to be Ben Franklin. He did it better. Just be your own crazy self.
Just how it is. I know it is all couched under righteous indignation and any number of anger justifying excuses but the facts remain.
So the guy I just now heard, Richard Spencer, is a manipulator, apparently. I am cautious about the video because it is so highly, and obviously edited. It sounded racial, but there was no suggestion of violence toward others, etc. It was hard to tell the point because the thing was chopped up to provide sound bites and footage of cheering people, some of whom did the outstretched arm, like the Hitler salute, or before that the original pledge of allegiance salute. (changed to hand over heart in the 1930's)
OK. So it is bad and on and on. They are using this guy as the face of the "alt right". I am not sure of the term, but clearly the news uses it interchangeably with kkk and white nationalist/supremacist sorts of things. I am thinking they are trying to cast others as racist who actually aren't by lumping them all in together.
That is like lumping democrats in with the alt left--those who want totalitarian communism and all that. OK, many of us tend to think that is the logical end to the path democrats love, but it is still a stretch. Republicans are not racists, they just tend to be there to make democrats mad enough to win some votes. I have no idea what they want, honestly. What I would have called the reasonable less government people is alt. right, before the media or someone hijacked the term. So what to call myself or others like me, I don't know. Nothing left.
Anyway, this Spencer guy does not speak for me. I don't think. The video I saw only paints an impression, and I find it slightly suspect. He could have been doing a parody but the context was so edited out, I would never know. And I've seen some outright lies portrayed in video as truth, and done through clever editing. (See Michael Moore movies for many examples)
OK so racist, and let's blame Trump, who is obnoxious, perhaps, but racist is over the top. I am islamophobic so I do not fault him or care if he is accused of that. Many religions and cultures creep me out. Islam is right up there on that list, along with many cultures of the world. And I like different people and places, just not wacko goat buggering, women stoning lunatics.
OK. So there is outrage. But the guy did not advocate violence. Yet, to the left this is awful racism, yet when a Black Panther rants about hating "every iota of a cracker", and black muslims proclaim that all whites and white babies should be killed, they don't even take the rant off of Youtube, and we hear no outrage. Some people are so stupid they claim that only whites can be racist. Impossible for blacks, etc.
La Raza, a racist group. Black lives matter, racist and promoters of false information to create hatred. There are far more people wrapped up in other racist groups than white race groups. Because whites are the least racist, per capita, of any other group in this country.
Maybe that was not always the way of things. It is now. Or was. People are doing their best to create racism and tribalism in every group. Then you can pander to their emotions and control them better.
I'm saying that by denying the racism of la raza and every other race based conflict craving outfit, yet pretending the klan is riding through in legions and whites are all on some racism kick, you show how racist you are. You think so little of non whites, those of color, not transparent, that you will not even hold them to the same standard when it comes to being haters.
Much of that racism is right out in the open and self hating whites try to pretend to take up their cause, which is oddly to free the world of you. I may join them in that sentiment.
It is OK to violently assault some trump hat wearing character and it is not hate. But please do not let the attackers be white and the vic an of color person. Now it is hate and gets notice. Neither is a good thing. It is the pretense and hypocrisy that annoys me. Trying to have these double and triple standards is not good. What do you think was racially wrong in the past? If you can't guess, I will tell you--Double Standards!
The real elephant in the room is the gradual celebration among white people of misandry. It has increased and become the norm, as long as the object of hate is white. That is the flip side of the misogyny coin. Male hate. That enabled the manipulators of society to lump together women and minorities when seeking special treatment. If you are a minority you can be either man or woman, it is not gender specific. Throw in "and women" and it is clear what you mean is white women. The others were already included. Easier just to say white men need not apply. And by today's double and triple standards, that is acceptable.
And you think Trump is racist? I have no idea, but I do know that movements on campus for zones that exclude everyone "not of color" are highly racist. And they are bullies, crying about how white privilege triggers their angst.
I give up.
A world of lies, and I am thinking I will never just get my miserable life organized before I die, and everyone will hate me for being a loser who left a big mess. So, what the hell do I care if people are stupid, and lie, and pretend to be thoughtful when they are creepy bullies, racists and morons?
Monday, November 21, 2016
People Know It Is Censorship, Right?
All the latest about fake news is sort of like a play within a play. A rather transparent attempt to take over the job of arbiter of information. A job that the individual often decides to do for him/herself.
Lack of universal pronouns which have the right flow and rhythm is one of the more really stupid manifestations of 21st century sensitivity and solidarinosc.
Anyway. Quite often the established networks and cable channels have been known to edit stories in such a way as to create a fictitious picture. Like the Trayvon deal. Zimmerman is part black. He was also not the one who brought up race in the 911 call. But the question from 911 asking race was edited out of what they broadcast. I wonder how much violence that helped provoke.
So, you think the government or some social platform providers or search engines should decide who is the news the people are allowed to see? When people aren't pandered to in ways that result in purposeful idiocy they often double check things and figure it out for themselves. Some people do not want other people determining what they see, read, write, etc. They definitely do not want the government, those with the guns, insisting that they believe or don't believe anything.
But it looks like the fake news assault will be pushed full steam ahead. It is clearly just more temper tantrums because they cannot face it that the "we know best" attitude is what so many voted against. I think the Penguin could have run against that, with a platform of f''' you pandering dems who cannot quit trying to create wars between classes, races, sexes, other sort of sexes, ethnicities, etc. I've heard it called identity politics. It certainly has nothing to do with universal principles.
For someone to pretend that in matters of law, of government, that only someone of a certain race can represent them, is far too shallow to even comprehend a universal principle. Or perhaps they have something personal gain by keeping the interpretation stupid and off base.
If they stop all news that is actually written using propaganda techniques so it basically not all true, then no news will get through. Not much, anyway.
There is clearly a concerted effort by some to censor others while pretending to be defenders of truth, justice, and the American way. The fact that it is the new buzz phrase in progressiveland, is a little bit alarming. That means the idiots are pushing for censorship. But they are too self righteous and myopic to admit that is what it is.
It's like these damn people never quit. They just keep trying to find new ways to screw with your life. It is amazing.
Lack of universal pronouns which have the right flow and rhythm is one of the more really stupid manifestations of 21st century sensitivity and solidarinosc.
Anyway. Quite often the established networks and cable channels have been known to edit stories in such a way as to create a fictitious picture. Like the Trayvon deal. Zimmerman is part black. He was also not the one who brought up race in the 911 call. But the question from 911 asking race was edited out of what they broadcast. I wonder how much violence that helped provoke.
So, you think the government or some social platform providers or search engines should decide who is the news the people are allowed to see? When people aren't pandered to in ways that result in purposeful idiocy they often double check things and figure it out for themselves. Some people do not want other people determining what they see, read, write, etc. They definitely do not want the government, those with the guns, insisting that they believe or don't believe anything.
But it looks like the fake news assault will be pushed full steam ahead. It is clearly just more temper tantrums because they cannot face it that the "we know best" attitude is what so many voted against. I think the Penguin could have run against that, with a platform of f''' you pandering dems who cannot quit trying to create wars between classes, races, sexes, other sort of sexes, ethnicities, etc. I've heard it called identity politics. It certainly has nothing to do with universal principles.
For someone to pretend that in matters of law, of government, that only someone of a certain race can represent them, is far too shallow to even comprehend a universal principle. Or perhaps they have something personal gain by keeping the interpretation stupid and off base.
If they stop all news that is actually written using propaganda techniques so it basically not all true, then no news will get through. Not much, anyway.
There is clearly a concerted effort by some to censor others while pretending to be defenders of truth, justice, and the American way. The fact that it is the new buzz phrase in progressiveland, is a little bit alarming. That means the idiots are pushing for censorship. But they are too self righteous and myopic to admit that is what it is.
It's like these damn people never quit. They just keep trying to find new ways to screw with your life. It is amazing.
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Moving Forward. What?
Where are we going? I have so many questions. I have for many years. Way back when Clinton was building the bridge to the 21st century.
I never have seen the bridge. Not even on a map. Just like I have no sense of forward or reverse or travel of any sort which involves people who claim they are "moving us forward"(or words to that effect).
I'm not sure I am all for some things the forward people like. I'm not comfortable with the prospect of a cashless society. To me that is a totalitarian state which never had to fire a shot to enslave the population. You get on the wrong side of anyone with influence and you can be shut down without a chance.
So, if that is what moving forward means, I prefer turning off ahead of time. Change direction or don't go anywhere. You are floating on a ball. There is no up or down, and most of what you see beyond your planet happened before people are known to have even existed. So throw out time. We don't know squat about it, in reality.
Like I know reality.
I'm guessing Megyn Kelly will not be White House press secretary. Too bad.
It is interesting how some people are more OK with the known corruption, lying, irresponsible compromising of military special ops people, etc. than they are the unknown, possibly loose cannon who bickers endlessly with people like Rosie O'D. The main fallacy is all the talk of Trump being racist, and this and that. It is phony talk. He is like a ton of people from that general region. They are crude and nuts.
But the racist bit is really a stretch. I will buy loose cannon, likely lunatic, and blindly reactionary over trivia. It is dangerous to stretch the truth. We do not know the full truth, but the fear inspiring nonsense is largely fiction. It is hard to know where to start because people have gone so thrid world kind of French Revolution lately. No possible way to do anything but keep your head down, so it seems.
I have no idea what is to come, but those who wanted moving forward actually got it. No idea where we may be going but I know where we aren't going and that is wherever we used to be headed. Get it? be headed; beheaded hahahaha
Oh I forgot. PBUH
I never have seen the bridge. Not even on a map. Just like I have no sense of forward or reverse or travel of any sort which involves people who claim they are "moving us forward"(or words to that effect).
I'm not sure I am all for some things the forward people like. I'm not comfortable with the prospect of a cashless society. To me that is a totalitarian state which never had to fire a shot to enslave the population. You get on the wrong side of anyone with influence and you can be shut down without a chance.
Forward!!! (notice they are moving to the left, but in some circles that would be to the right)
So, if that is what moving forward means, I prefer turning off ahead of time. Change direction or don't go anywhere. You are floating on a ball. There is no up or down, and most of what you see beyond your planet happened before people are known to have even existed. So throw out time. We don't know squat about it, in reality.
Like I know reality.
I'm guessing Megyn Kelly will not be White House press secretary. Too bad.
It is interesting how some people are more OK with the known corruption, lying, irresponsible compromising of military special ops people, etc. than they are the unknown, possibly loose cannon who bickers endlessly with people like Rosie O'D. The main fallacy is all the talk of Trump being racist, and this and that. It is phony talk. He is like a ton of people from that general region. They are crude and nuts.
But the racist bit is really a stretch. I will buy loose cannon, likely lunatic, and blindly reactionary over trivia. It is dangerous to stretch the truth. We do not know the full truth, but the fear inspiring nonsense is largely fiction. It is hard to know where to start because people have gone so thrid world kind of French Revolution lately. No possible way to do anything but keep your head down, so it seems.
I have no idea what is to come, but those who wanted moving forward actually got it. No idea where we may be going but I know where we aren't going and that is wherever we used to be headed. Get it? be headed; beheaded hahahaha
Oh I forgot. PBUH
Saturday, November 19, 2016
War on Fake News; is this a joke?
So, the usual suspects, NBC, ABC, AP, CNN and innumerable other tools to deceive fools are now chirping along with other haters of freedom, i.e. progressives and other logically deprived activists have declared war on FAKE NEWS!!! Oh no. Will they be injecting one another with the triad of death penalty drugs, or strapping themselves into electric chairs, or what?
The idea that now poor Facebook and Google are agreeing that maybe they can DO Something! (that is the other battle cry of useful idiots and those who exploit them--we must do SOMETHING!!! [no matter how irrelevant or idiotic. TSA, as we know it would not have prevented 911. Homeland security is another abuse, excused by fear. We were better off without it.
Like the war on drugs masked the war on personal sanctity. Now we have more drugs and less personal autonomy and protections from governmental abuse. As much as democrats love laws and government oversight, insight, and control of all, I would think they would have been in love with W for using the crisis to introduce homeland security in all its abusive 4th amendment obliterating splendor. Another tool against the citizenry in case they get frisky.
So now the whole fake news thing has come into its own as a very real threat to free expression. To opposing views from what powers that be want to use in their never ending meddling into the lives of innocent people.
Many of the fake news things seemed made up by the opposite side from what the meme pretended to support. If I can act like a total moron while touting Hillary, that hurts Hillary. So that is what I do because I am not for her. I play little trick. It was obvious on both sides of the election hooplah--those who saw only Clinton or Donald as the choices---that there were instances of pretending to be your opponent in order to make them look bad.
The constant meme about Trump is nazi and bigot, etc. is not substantiated. The fact that he can be boorish and petty at times is documented. I dread any more feuds like with Rosie--as boorish and annoying as they get. I am at least glad she is not president.
They do not consider it fake when a network edits quotes and interviews to make it seem like a person supports what they don't or gave an opinion they don't hold. However if someone gives an opinion about them or their puppeteers, then it must be fake and has to be forbidden.
Don't be fooled. These people are far more afraid of people becoming informed than being duped by hoax news. These are the people who made duping the voter a vocation and artform many decades ago.
But because they make the easily pandered to think it is responsible to react to elections like third world banana republics, and OK top suspend respect decency etc., because VICTIM!, this effort will gain some mob support. Just go poll the people stopping traffic, they'll give the thumbs up. Violating rights is their forte. Checking their premises or even knowing what that means, not so much.
Unbelievable. There are simply tactics I abhor. I see it on both sides but the mob thing of a billion people harassing one, like at their home or in a theater or with the family is very much a left wing tactic. All is OK because VICTIM! I do not like that.
As much as I disdain certain officials, like that Johnny Sutton prosecutor from hell that seemed to be doing GW Bush's bidding, inexplicably. I would expect he should be exiled from the country, but I would not support a mob at his house, harassing his family or calling him out in a church or theater or even a grocery store. Do they not see what that slope is?
Talk about a tool for injustice, pumping up a mob your idiot friends or supporters in public, surrounding the opponent is base, potentially cruel, and a small minded way of thinly masking a cruel and sadistic motive. Maybe you call it revenge. Wrong way to go about it.
But mobs and looters and people who reason off of false assumptions will continue to stop traffic and be a general nuisance until we just hit the horn, out of courtesy, and put our foot on the accelerator.
The idea that now poor Facebook and Google are agreeing that maybe they can DO Something! (that is the other battle cry of useful idiots and those who exploit them--we must do SOMETHING!!! [no matter how irrelevant or idiotic. TSA, as we know it would not have prevented 911. Homeland security is another abuse, excused by fear. We were better off without it.
Like the war on drugs masked the war on personal sanctity. Now we have more drugs and less personal autonomy and protections from governmental abuse. As much as democrats love laws and government oversight, insight, and control of all, I would think they would have been in love with W for using the crisis to introduce homeland security in all its abusive 4th amendment obliterating splendor. Another tool against the citizenry in case they get frisky.
So now the whole fake news thing has come into its own as a very real threat to free expression. To opposing views from what powers that be want to use in their never ending meddling into the lives of innocent people.
Many of the fake news things seemed made up by the opposite side from what the meme pretended to support. If I can act like a total moron while touting Hillary, that hurts Hillary. So that is what I do because I am not for her. I play little trick. It was obvious on both sides of the election hooplah--those who saw only Clinton or Donald as the choices---that there were instances of pretending to be your opponent in order to make them look bad.
The constant meme about Trump is nazi and bigot, etc. is not substantiated. The fact that he can be boorish and petty at times is documented. I dread any more feuds like with Rosie--as boorish and annoying as they get. I am at least glad she is not president.
They do not consider it fake when a network edits quotes and interviews to make it seem like a person supports what they don't or gave an opinion they don't hold. However if someone gives an opinion about them or their puppeteers, then it must be fake and has to be forbidden.
Don't be fooled. These people are far more afraid of people becoming informed than being duped by hoax news. These are the people who made duping the voter a vocation and artform many decades ago.
But because they make the easily pandered to think it is responsible to react to elections like third world banana republics, and OK top suspend respect decency etc., because VICTIM!, this effort will gain some mob support. Just go poll the people stopping traffic, they'll give the thumbs up. Violating rights is their forte. Checking their premises or even knowing what that means, not so much.
Unbelievable. There are simply tactics I abhor. I see it on both sides but the mob thing of a billion people harassing one, like at their home or in a theater or with the family is very much a left wing tactic. All is OK because VICTIM! I do not like that.
As much as I disdain certain officials, like that Johnny Sutton prosecutor from hell that seemed to be doing GW Bush's bidding, inexplicably. I would expect he should be exiled from the country, but I would not support a mob at his house, harassing his family or calling him out in a church or theater or even a grocery store. Do they not see what that slope is?
Talk about a tool for injustice, pumping up a mob your idiot friends or supporters in public, surrounding the opponent is base, potentially cruel, and a small minded way of thinly masking a cruel and sadistic motive. Maybe you call it revenge. Wrong way to go about it.
But mobs and looters and people who reason off of false assumptions will continue to stop traffic and be a general nuisance until we just hit the horn, out of courtesy, and put our foot on the accelerator.
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- John0 Juanderlust
- Ballistic Mountain, CA, United States
- Like spring on a summer's day
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