Friday, July 20, 2012

The vultures have landed

Maybe that is what the Adam and Eve and the serpent story is really talking about: evil beings invariably do what they can to screw up Paradise. Spineless nincompoops (the Adam character) do the rest, spurred on by gossip mongers who want to own some of the victimhood (Eve), and often have hidden control issues and motives. Just a spur of the moment theory.

the above references characters of representation but is not meant to imply the Adam equates to men or the Eve equates to women.

I have tried to avoid news for most of the day. Hard to do. I got the story, and many of the facts. Fortunately, I do not rely upon ABC--the same outfit which edited 911 recordings to paint a race crime picture in the Zimmerman case, and the same ones who tried to pin the latest outrage on the T Party.

All that seems to be missing, and it could be that I merely missed it, is Al Sharpton demagogue-ing in, trying to start a riot. All the other demagogues in the nation have been making noise in order to further whatever agenda grabs their fancy. Wonder if Jesse weighed in. Or maybe the neo-nazis or the black panthers. Every one else has had something meaningless to say.

I understand that it is expected of certain officials, although I am not sure why. They are useless, and you know most of them don't give a damn, except to the extent it furthers their ambitions.

I guess it is tough for a news outfit not to play into the fantasies and fame lust of such lunatics. The more you put a name and picture out there, and the more you re-hash the crime, life, motive, early childhood and dietary habits of aberrant murderers, the more likely it is to happen again and again. There are better deterrents which would draw many viewers. Probably not legal though.

If the media is somehow indicative of the culture in which it operates, a good measure of the banality and total idiocy of that society is easily found in print and broadcast immediately after any traumatic incident, whether it be (alleged)man-made, or destructive force of nature.

Thank God I remembered to purchase some dust masks before I went to work today. That stuff was working on me big time. I must have inhaled enough to start a small paper mill on Wednesday.

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Ballistic Mountain, CA, United States
Like spring on a summer's day


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