Saturday, February 23, 2013

I Should Become Less Radical With Age. Yikes

Holy smoke.   I realized that all the gun talk, the total BS, dog and pony show over the national non-budget, deficit, debt and spending beyond anything a human or machine can track, has caused me to become very close to anarchist.  Except that people tend to define that word in a way which doesn't reflect my view.

Without rulers is closest to my true belief, yet I understand the value of proper governmental function.  I leave charity, rules regarding personal choice and behavior which harms or impedes the life of no others, marriage, and even education off the list of governmental to-do's.

Seriously, all the gun talk convinced me that the law ought to be loosened, and yes,  Piers, I'm OK with a citizen owning a fighter jet, cannon, cannabis plant, still, motorcycle sans helmet, and a machine gun. Hell, the USA has armed people in other countries who are every bit as psycho as the Bloods and Crips.  Maybe moreso.   And recently our own government conducted a sting operation which armed Mexican cartels.  They forgot to include the sting portion of their plan.  Oops!

I've tried to be happy and ignore all this stuff.  No fighting anyone or anything.  Really.  I so want to be more normal and middle of the road.  I've always wanted that, but I've never been able to do it.  It requires too much pretending that what is not right and not true is fine and dandy.   Not that I never ignore reality or always do the right thing.  But then, I'm not forcing others to do my bidding, and don't care to.  Treating them how I'd like to be treated---which is, get out of my life, strangers with guns, badges and law degrees.

Some of my friends who pine for the 60's tell me there is no right or truth.   Everyone's truth is theirs and what is true to you may not be true to me.  My rebuttal that if I place you in the path of a speeding bus, you are doomed doesn't do the trick.  "Not if that is not my reality".   Screw those people.  They just want Woodstock forever.  Hey man, like watch out for the brown acid.  It's a bummer.

Anyway, I believe there is truth and right.  Not always sure what that is, but I do see the results of pretending that obvious realities are not real.

I've only recently become aware of how much republicans, or the ones who have media pulpits, tend to despise libertarians.  Never could figure that out.  You'd think they'd save it for the green party or something.  I think it is because they pretend they want smaller government and all that, but they really just want their logo on the seat of power.

They did as bad as dems at running us into bankruptcy.  Well, almost.  W's worst years financially were with a dem congress, but that is trivial.  Which drunken sailor is the drunkest and spending the most?  And doing the most bullying of innocent bystanders?

And they can't resist getting all righteous about subjects with which the national government has no legitimate business.  Like marriage and personal defense choices; guns.  Not to mention health and pensions.  Abortion.  Good God, you make me want abort my babies and yours.   Again I say, be grateful some of these alleged people are not multiplying any faster than they are.   And they are doing it themselves, as is their choice-right or wrong.

Too late to turn it around, but seriously, this Grand Clearing House of All Things philosophy of governance is disaster.  They've rotted the culture, and made things far worse.  Justified or not, most people feel less safe today than they did in the sixties.   Some of that is the demagogue panic factor---no crisis goes to waste, and everything is a damned crisis; obesity, weather, drugs, guns, un-neutered pets, non-issues to infinity.

Lots of things are problems to one degree or another.  But few of them are made better by throwing tax money and laws their way.  Those who love that stuff simply claim we haven't given enough authority to our lords and masters.  In the case of Jamie Foxx, that would be "Lord and savior."  He thinks Obama is the Second Coming, apparently.

I'm stunned to read comments these days.  It is interesting, if disappointing.  At least there are often three comments in a row on news stories with no name calling and no "lol" or "rofl".  That is so obnoxious in a discussion thread.  Brings out the want-to-punch-you redneck in me.

I don't comment on those sites because you have to sign up and I'd either trigger the ire of internet toughies who aren't sincere anyway, or I'd be preaching to the choir, or I'd end up with someone quoting biblical stuff.

That's the other thing; I've lost almost every shred of respect and tolerance for just about every religious institution known to man.  And I have none for those who want to run around telling me what god or alah have to say, and what they think.   Talk about Hell.  Imagine spending a month stuck in a room with Ayatollah whoever, and a hard core Evangelist, and maybe throw in a Cardinal.  It would sure seem like eternity.

OK.  Maybe if the Rastafarians  included fertility rites, I could hack that faith.  Of course I'd find it tough to accept Haile Selassie's divinity.  But the music is good, and if I have to be stuck with holy rollers, probably best to be totally and forever stoned.  I really do like the music.

Well, I've answered my own question; what to do when it all comes crumbling down and when "the earth's fever" gets worse.  Go be a rastaman on a ganja farm.

If only I could ignore all of it.   Truly they won't allow it.  Insurance.  Is my inherited gun now illegal or am I supposed to register it? Not yet, but people in this state want to require registration of any gun owned.  Something in me resists.  My gut reaction is F*** Off!!  I can't accept the reality that I'm not even close to as free as I think is my right.  I can't admit it by jumping through certain hoops.  Just cannot do it.

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Can't make comments any easier, I don't think. People are having trouble--google tries to kidnap them. I'll loosen up one more thing and let's see. Please give it a try

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Ballistic Mountain, CA, United States
Like spring on a summer's day


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