Monday, October 22, 2012

If You Read Nothing Else before you vote, Read This

OK, now all the presidential debates are over.  The main dog and pony show is over, and if you are like me, you need to be told what to think of whatever you saw, heard or read.

So, I'm willing to go without so that I may tell you what to think etc.

I only heard the last, maybe 40 minutes of the scholarly intercourse on the car radio.  On the way home from Poway practice.  This guy's stuff is hitting on a style of playing I have been after but rarely find.  It is the sort of thing that relies on more nuanced, clean playing than when I am with a plugged in, drummer backed band.  Johnathan may have landed a drummer, so we'll be semi plugged in.  Still driven by his 12 string guitar, which he can pull off.  And the bass player is really making a difference. He's getting aggressive and taking chances which are hitting the mark, musically.

Oh, back to what you must do.  I was going to suggest you write me in for Nobel Prize.  But, after weeks of writting up petitions and campaign posters, they tell me that no Nobel Prizes will be voted on in the November election.  Not on the ballot.

Imagine my shock.  Maybe you should write me in for every office, local state and national, to protest this injustice.

Oh yea, the girl singer was doing an eery high harmony on one song, and the notes were up in the highest three on the D harp.  That is high.  I'd have to do the musical equivalent of counting on my fingers to pin down the exact note by name and social security number.  Very clear and unstrained.  It is cool to go to the same note and work it so that you can't tell the voice from the harp then we go to different notes.

All you need to know is that you're in tune.  It is the most important thing.  That is why you needed to read this if nothing else.  Without being in tune, the rest becomes irrelevant.

Aren't I deep?

I was enjoying the drive home from work and practice, realizing that I've never lived in a place this geographically interesting.  But for just the ocean and beach my favorite is NC Outer Banks.  No cowboy mountains out there, though.  Easier to live where I am.  Easier for me, not everyone. But I tend to be mobile.  Somehow, though, even when I'm restless, I have little desire to get away from here. Laws and taxes and such would be the only reason I'd cut out, I think.  So far, it is OK.

Now that I think of it, it is possible that there may be something more important to read before you vote.  Can't imagine what; unless maybe you are walking right now and there is a "NO TRESPASSING__WE WIL KILL YOU!" sign just ahead.  It is better that you read that sign, comprehend it, and avoid trespassing.   It is tough to think of anything more important to read.

Jury duty.  October 31.  Halloween hangin' I guess.  Ha. Anyone knows that isn't true.  I would not throw the book at people who don't deserve it.  This is the second time in a couple of years.  I sat around for a few hours, then they sent us home.  I doubt I'd get on a jury if they asked me questions that touch on just about any subject.

1 comment:

  1. Hi John ! Well, I voted on Monday. Scoot and I drove over to the official drop-off-your-ballot-place, lol. Not far from my building. I hope it counts. I do not like the electorial college crap.


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Ballistic Mountain, CA, United States
Like spring on a summer's day


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