There are some areas of the country--certainly some communities in CA--which have rules (or groups pushing for them) regulating when and if one can use his/her/its fireplace.
I was thinking a good word for a fireplace activist would be PYRANT
Maybe the current trend toward taking literally what your intellectual adversaries mean figuratively, and using it against them in public and political discourse, would be called LINGUISTICUFFS
---and I suppose a person who engaged in such activity would be a LINGUGILIST(from pugilist, etc)
I have no idea why I thought of those things.
Now I'm wondering if the Fred Phelps crew could most politely be called FAGNOSTICS. Polite is not easy to muster when dealing people who pretend to speak for God so they can cause misery and difficulty for others. It is a radical case of people who place themselves in the judgement seat, unasked and uninvited, so they can avoid ever having to engage in any serious introspection. Sick pups. Basically aberrant humans. If only they'd go on a kool aid binge... (can I say that? or will this land me in hot water?)
Guess we'll stick to "useful imbeciles". How so many people can be nuts at once and in the same family could most likely be due to inbreeding, and cross breeding of the inbred.
Big question is: Who funds them? I'd bet it is someone who wants to silence legitimate dissent. They'll keep pushing with their atrocious abuse of free speech until measures are taken. And those things rarely stay confined to the context of the original target.
If there are enough like-minded people around to bankroll that outfit, Yikes!
I mean, if I was into racial strife and wanted to fire up people to feel threatened enough to run toward kkk and the like, I'd do all I could to promote the New Black Panthers, especially ones like the guy who hates every iota of a cracker. And vice versa.
The westmoron group is planning to hit the area to protest a high school play in Coronado. WTF?
The Navy SEALS train in the area. Old Fred and his daughter/wife/cousin/sister and the rest of the family tree best be careful.
And they wonder how anything like the Spanish Inquisition ever gained momentum---people like that are out there, and even get shown on TV.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Digging Alpine
It must work along the lines of the old adage that possession is nine tenths of the law. Even though the SDGE issue is still in the courts they are proceeding as if it is all settled. This s regarding the powerlink project which involves a gerrymandered path through east Sand Diego county to link Mexican power to California.
It's painted with the sacred word, "green", because they claimed that it would link a solar project and wind energy from the desert. The solar thing is dead; the company went belly up, and their design and concept was seriously flawed from the start. In this case the logical use of solar would be at the point of usage--on buildings and houses, not a hundred miles away transported through wires on towers. The wind is not very effective since it only works for a narrow band of wind conditions. Besides, they are in the courts because the Indian tribes are not pleased with proposed construction through burial grounds.
The Mexican connection is well documented--not propaganda put out by the disgruntled. The company that owns SDGE also has holdings down there in the form of power plant projects on the border. Got to be a better way, but rather than seriously think about it people assume that government and sanctioned monopoly, using eminent domain, is the only choice.
Anyway, they are already digging up Alpine Blvd., causing traffic delays and impeding access to businesses. It is a sad sight, but these things happen when people are fed misinformation and don't know what hit them until it is too late. I consider it another of Arnold's legacies to California. He turned out to be a wannabe despot, who appears to think benevolent dictatorship is a desirable thing. Listening to him it became clear that he has no more concept of what a constitutional republic designed to protect individual freedom means than do the ladies on the View.
I'm glad I do not have a shop or small business anchored in Alpine or any number of areas out here. Next thing will be when they start construction on Ballistic mountain. Goodbye cell signal, such as it is. And pity the homeowners. I do not think it will help property values; even SDGE admits they do not know the consequence to the water supply, and claim the fire hazard is "unmitigable".
So, here we go. I guess I have to realize I can't live in this spot forever. For one thing I only rent. For another The construction is not likely to be without consequence, noise-wise, and concerning traffic up and down the hill.
Maybe the court proceedings will not take forever and it will be stopped before too late. Chances look slim, considering that they are already tearing up roads and annexing private property. All for the greater good, allegedly.
Oh well. What can you do? These things make it tough to come in from the fringe when your starting point is like mine. Vagabond for life, I guess.
But I still have today with no need to pack up, so I'll just work to change what needs it in my own life. That covers a lot. And it is not at all easy. If I do not change a number of things, the consequences could be grave. A normal person would find the things I need to do a piece of cake. For that reason I often regret being not so normal.
The most bizarre fact of all is that they have never actually established a need for this, considering there is actually a surplus of electricity is this area and demand is not growing.
Care should be taken before supporting the tyranny that shrouds itself in a green cloak, or pretends to be a savior of the earth itself. Behind the claims there is often no substance supporting the facade, and a lot of people get hurt.
It's painted with the sacred word, "green", because they claimed that it would link a solar project and wind energy from the desert. The solar thing is dead; the company went belly up, and their design and concept was seriously flawed from the start. In this case the logical use of solar would be at the point of usage--on buildings and houses, not a hundred miles away transported through wires on towers. The wind is not very effective since it only works for a narrow band of wind conditions. Besides, they are in the courts because the Indian tribes are not pleased with proposed construction through burial grounds.
The Mexican connection is well documented--not propaganda put out by the disgruntled. The company that owns SDGE also has holdings down there in the form of power plant projects on the border. Got to be a better way, but rather than seriously think about it people assume that government and sanctioned monopoly, using eminent domain, is the only choice.
Anyway, they are already digging up Alpine Blvd., causing traffic delays and impeding access to businesses. It is a sad sight, but these things happen when people are fed misinformation and don't know what hit them until it is too late. I consider it another of Arnold's legacies to California. He turned out to be a wannabe despot, who appears to think benevolent dictatorship is a desirable thing. Listening to him it became clear that he has no more concept of what a constitutional republic designed to protect individual freedom means than do the ladies on the View.
I'm glad I do not have a shop or small business anchored in Alpine or any number of areas out here. Next thing will be when they start construction on Ballistic mountain. Goodbye cell signal, such as it is. And pity the homeowners. I do not think it will help property values; even SDGE admits they do not know the consequence to the water supply, and claim the fire hazard is "unmitigable".
So, here we go. I guess I have to realize I can't live in this spot forever. For one thing I only rent. For another The construction is not likely to be without consequence, noise-wise, and concerning traffic up and down the hill.
Maybe the court proceedings will not take forever and it will be stopped before too late. Chances look slim, considering that they are already tearing up roads and annexing private property. All for the greater good, allegedly.
Oh well. What can you do? These things make it tough to come in from the fringe when your starting point is like mine. Vagabond for life, I guess.
But I still have today with no need to pack up, so I'll just work to change what needs it in my own life. That covers a lot. And it is not at all easy. If I do not change a number of things, the consequences could be grave. A normal person would find the things I need to do a piece of cake. For that reason I often regret being not so normal.
The most bizarre fact of all is that they have never actually established a need for this, considering there is actually a surplus of electricity is this area and demand is not growing.
Care should be taken before supporting the tyranny that shrouds itself in a green cloak, or pretends to be a savior of the earth itself. Behind the claims there is often no substance supporting the facade, and a lot of people get hurt.
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- John0 Juanderlust
- Ballistic Mountain, CA, United States
- Like spring on a summer's day
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