Friday, January 11, 2013

If It Saves Just One Life It Must Be Right

Here's the sort of logic that dictates rights, regulation and way too much else.   According to Uncle Joe and His Excellency any measures enacted which could save just one life are hereby justified and good.

Think of all the people who die in cars, who die because they eat too much, who overdose, who buy the farm base jumping.  By the logic presented, banning automobiles,  over-eating, and sky diving would be just and righteous because that would clearly save lives.

Banning cars is easier than banning guns because you'd be able to quickly identify scoff-laws because only they would be on the roads.  The arguments which seek to limit bullet clip capacity and such would hardly have prevented most of the troubles we had with people shooting people when they shouldn't have shot people.

Perhaps if we go to the root of the problem and ban dangerous lunacy we'd fare better.  Ban any form of mental disorder or character flaw which could result in maniacal outbursts which could be dangerous to others.

To do otherwise, and to oppose such a ban is clearly an indication of callous indifference to the children and their families.

While we are banning stuff, let's ban swimming pools, lousy parents, ladders, and bicycles.  All of these items have been critical items in the death of citizens.

Perhaps we should also ban police and others who have been known to shoot people for whatever reason.  One life saved is worth it.

I'm not really a big fan of guns myself.  I am a big fan of people being able to defend themselves, and I'm a fan of being armed in whatever way if one chooses.  Being armed and being threatening or violent are not necessarily tied together.

What is always a red flag is when people run around in hysterical madness demanding that "something be done!!" while labeling those who question such things as heartless bastards and fools.  I'll agree, a lot of fools have come out of the woodwork on both the alleged sides of the discussion.

It is a happy orgy for professional demagogues.   These people who want for nothing, rarely wait on themselves, have the nerve to preface their statements with "what the American people want" while maintaining a straight face.  I don't have a clue what "the American people want", and I am one.

I'm working on figuring out what I want.  Clearly I have not allowed myself to think in those terms for quite some time.  That is unacceptable.

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Like spring on a summer's day


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