Thursday, March 19, 2009

For those who hate it when I talk revolution and freedom

OK, so the tennis/teakology elbow and wrist are getting a break today. Tomorrow I will try my luck playing tennis where they keep score and you have to know which side to be on. It isn't a league or million dollar tournament, just a friend or two and someone I never met. I was hoping it would be all women. Oddly, it is easier to take losing to them. This event will be a mix. It is hard to be the most macho guy on a tennis court when everyone else there is twenty times more experienced and better. Even the chicks are mas macho.

Maybe I can compensate; rent the biggest Hummer made and drive it there, or get and extra large, very long, macho racket. Or I could just divert their attention by wearing a tinfoil hat and periodically mumbling into my lapel.

Because my work is only done when the client is long gone, my present project is on hold for about a week. People there. The new job, no excuse. I'll start in earnest on Saturday. I like working weekends.


  1. Is the new job teak too? Am I missing a PO here? How many teak jobs do you have going?

  2. PO= post office? Yes, you're missing a post office.
    2 teak jobs. Yes it is all teak. I do have that project and ongoing problem solving tasks at one place, and now a teak project at another, and probably some more odds and ends. It is enough to keep me busy through the end of april.

  3. PO = Purchase Order. The thing that says the work is approved and they get to pay you when you deliver... (smiling big) . Two jobs...that's how many I had counted too. I feel better, thx!


Can't make comments any easier, I don't think. People are having trouble--google tries to kidnap them. I'll loosen up one more thing and let's see. Please give it a try

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Ballistic Mountain, CA, United States
Like spring on a summer's day


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