Monday, October 1, 2012

Why I'm Not One

Besides the fact that my beliefs just do not fall in line with any of the over ritualistic creeds,  my aversion to crowds would probably put me off of this outfit anyway.  Some religions think that you are damned if you are not one of them.  Or that you still are damned if you aren't baptized, or don't make it to some pilgrimage, or don't do any number of rituals as prescribed by the holy ones and their holy texts.

I'd go nuts if I were in the middle of that crowd.  This is one reason I'm no good for demonstrations--do not enjoy being part of a mob.  Besides, I find most demonstrations to be obnoxious, and something about that form of expression doesn't sit well.  One day, I'll have it reasoned out.  Anyway, how can mob people hack it?  You couldn't easily get out of the middle of that mob.
I think they are wrong, if not entirely annoying.  But here's the deal.  How many sick, sneezy people would it take to make this bunch of pilgrims go home sick?  Flu season.  This kind of mob is a virus's wet dream.

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Ballistic Mountain, CA, United States
Like spring on a summer's day


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